选择B 问一下C为什么不选 ,Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied withB.consisting of; making upC.made up of; consisting ofD.cons

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:23:38
选择B 问一下C为什么不选 ,Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied withB.consisting of; making upC.made up of; consisting ofD.cons
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选择B 问一下C为什么不选 ,Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied withB.consisting of; making upC.made up of; consisting ofD.cons
选择B 问一下C为什么不选 ,
Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.
A.making up of; occupied withB.consisting of; making up
C.made up of; consisting ofD.consisted of; taking up

选择B 问一下C为什么不选 ,Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied withB.consisting of; making upC.made up of; consisting ofD.cons
consist of 是由……构成的意思.
foreign immigrants consisting of the majority of its population的意思变成了“外来移民由加拿大的主要人口组成.”
made up of 多用于表示由……人组成,不适用于行政区域.

单项选择.1、It's easy to ( ) in a big city if you don't have any map or smart phone!A、lose B、get lost C、lost D、get lose我知道应该选择B,但是我想问一下get lost 和 get lose的区别.并且再问一下为什么不选A,不 单项选择:A horse is_____useful animal.A.an B.a C.the说明选择的原因,谢谢为什么不选C?告诉我一下谢了 尤其是第二问,为什么不能选择d处呢?我知道排除a和c那b,d该怎么选择?还有第三题为什么不选B? 问一下为什么选C,B哪里错了 高数选择第一题 想问一下为什么选b 为什么不选A,选择C? 在青春期,分泌量不会明显增加的是A.甲状腺激素 B.性激素 C.胰岛素 D.生长激素,选择C,想问一下为什么? 选择B 问一下C为什么不选 ,Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population.A.making up of; occupied withB.consisting of; making upC.made up of; consisting ofD.cons 第三问为什么选择洁厕灵而不选厨房清洁剂? when___,the building will be the tallest one in AsiaA,completing B,completed C being completed Dto be completed问一下为什么不选D项 the thing that—— is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or notA minds B cares C matters D considers我知道答案选择C,但是我想问一下为什么B不可以,当它翻译成“在乎”的时候,我认为句意也是很通顺的. 1.Many students asked the teacher _______ to do with the problems.A.what B.how C.which[965]请问这个地方为什么不选择B而选择A呢?能不能说一下是这是为什么呢? 29为什么不选择b,30为什么不选择d, 为什么选择c而不是b? A:Did you remember ____ Ann?B:Oh no,I completely forgot.A to phone.B phoning C phone我想问一下,为什么不选B?A和B有什么区别 I knew the boy( )you talked about yesterdayI knew the boy( )you talked about yesterdayA.which B.who C.whom D.whose想问一下为什么选C不选B呢? 向Fe(OH)3胶体中滴加下列溶液__可出现这样现象:先有红褐色沉淀,后沉淀消失变为黄色溶液,A 硅酸胶体B淀粉 C稀H2SO4 DNaCL溶液 .问一下为什么不选择A和C,理由讲清楚. 醛与新制的CU(OH)2反应,最重要的是 A,制取CU(OH)2的碱要过量 B,CU(OH)2要为新制的 C,D略我选的是AB 但答案只有A,选择是不定项选择,谁能说一下为什么不选B?