高分求3分钟左右的英语对话 急,又快又好还有分追加哦7个话题1.love2.keep fit3.fashion4.disaster5.music6.family and marriage7.friend

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 00:55:11
高分求3分钟左右的英语对话 急,又快又好还有分追加哦7个话题1.love2.keep fit3.fashion4.disaster5.music6.family and marriage7.friend
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高分求3分钟左右的英语对话 急,又快又好还有分追加哦7个话题1.love2.keep fit3.fashion4.disaster5.music6.family and marriage7.friend
高分求3分钟左右的英语对话 急,又快又好还有分追加哦
2.keep fit
6.family and marriage

高分求3分钟左右的英语对话 急,又快又好还有分追加哦7个话题1.love2.keep fit3.fashion4.disaster5.music6.family and marriage7.friend
A: Hey, dude!
B: Hey, what's up!
A: Not much...
B: Do you still remember the proverb "A friend in need is the friend indeed" we learned today in the class?
A: Sure!
B: What do you think of it?
A: En... It is good, very imprressive~
B: Come on, I'm serious. Your answer is too broad...
A: Well, it seems you'd like to talk about this sentence, unh?! So what do you think of it?
B: Me?! I think it's a very wise and meaningful sentence. I mean not only of that it reveals a principle of the true friendship, but also teaches me the way to perform in the friendship. For example, "friend", this word doesn't mean the guy you hang out with, but a partner, a helper, supporter who always stands with you whenever you are in morass or in heydays.
A: Well, you have a very strong sense on this... I confess I didn't think a lot as you did... but since you have thought of it... you know, it sort of stirs up my feelings now.
B: Okay, then, what do you think?
A: Have you ever seen the ?
B: Sure, it's the best ever!
A: Yeah. I am a insanely faithful fan to that... you know why? it is just because the that show delivers a virtual sense and a ture scene of friendship. Friendship actually is a common sense, a sympathy, which is exactly depicted in the . For example, in the show, the altercations are seemed inevitable sometimes and tactics are sometimes applicated, however, the betrayal never exists for they all faithfully love each other, namely, they absolutely have a thing together.
B: Yeah, that is right! friends have a thing!
A: What's more, real fiends have the thing, which is exactly the sigh of friendship, and so the faked friends would never acquire this for they never attach their true feelings on the friendship.For example, in the , Joey himself likes to bring chicks back home, however, he never has a really durable relationship for he wants only sex... samething with the friendship, you know... Here is point, since real friends have the thing, they would stick together as long as they believe the "thing" and that's the underlying explaination of that the proverb describes. So I mean... you said the sentence tells people how to perform friendship, right?
A: Yeah. That is what I got from it.
B: Ok, I mean people should develope the thing first! Then, the proverb predicts the result.
A: That's right! Your thought are amazing!
B: And you know what? We actually have a thing together! Both of us have impressive thoughts on this!
A: Right! Come, give me a hug!
(A and B embrace)
The End.
注: 限于男男对话.

高分求3分钟左右的英语对话 急,又快又好还有分追加哦7个话题1.love2.keep fit3.fashion4.disaster5.music6.family and marriage7.friend 求两分钟左右的英语对话短剧!急要求内容不难.两分钟左右.情景对话.情节轻松幽默 急求有关LOVE的英语三人对话可两人对话外加旁白 时间两分钟左右 求英语对话,2分钟左右的, 急求三人英语对话,三分钟左右. 高分求关于人和动物的英语对话Describe one story about the close relationship between man and animals.要求:4个人,3分钟左右 急求英国狄更斯的简介又少又快又好又全 急求一段4分钟左右的关于吸血鬼日记的英语对话. 口语测试.谢谢 急求打招呼英语场景对话(二人的两分钟左右的) 急求一篇三人英语对话,五分分钟左右,关于天气与健康的. 求一个英语对话,能够体现中外文化差异的,三分钟左右,单词没要求.急 求一次函数左右平移,表达式变换技巧(也就是公式),又快又好的加分 急求三人英语情景对话要求:每人一分钟左右对话;高中水平! 求一篇5分钟左右的英语对话. 怎样写字又快又好,急求 高分求英语对话(2人)!要基础的,非常简单2分钟左右高手来!我晕 那么长 mother and father对话急求关于家庭的英语对话,3分钟即可, 高分求写一段英语对话!3个人的对话...不用太长...加起来不要超过7分钟...主题是H1N1的爆发和由此引发的健康问题.最低给200分..只要写的好..分数你提...谢谢..