一个句子,四选一,_______ the blueprint will be completed in August,they are preparing for the start of the project.A.Unless B.If C.Proviede D.Assuming为什么选D,C和D有何区别?C是Provided,题目中打错了 正确答案是D,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 12:04:03
一个句子,四选一,_______ the blueprint will be completed in August,they are preparing for the start of the project.A.Unless B.If C.Proviede D.Assuming为什么选D,C和D有何区别?C是Provided,题目中打错了 正确答案是D,为什么
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一个句子,四选一,_______ the blueprint will be completed in August,they are preparing for the start of the project.A.Unless B.If C.Proviede D.Assuming为什么选D,C和D有何区别?C是Provided,题目中打错了 正确答案是D,为什么
_______ the blueprint will be completed in August,they are preparing for the start of the project.
A.Unless B.If C.Proviede D.Assuming

一个句子,四选一,_______ the blueprint will be completed in August,they are preparing for the start of the project.A.Unless B.If C.Proviede D.Assuming为什么选D,C和D有何区别?C是Provided,题目中打错了 正确答案是D,为什么
先解释这个句子,这个句子因该说的就是“猜想,臆断蓝图将会在八月完成,因为他们正在为工程的开始和起步做着准备.”其实后半句they前面省略了一个for 表原因的,英语中常见类似的省略情况,这是由英语的表达习惯决定,读者不容易看出,在翻译的时候就可以根据句意加上.句子解释清楚了我想你也会知道为什么选D了;
A、unless表示的是一种否定假设,相当于if not,在本题中没有否定的概念,显然是不对的;
D、assuming 意思是假定,猜想,臆断,这就相当于juging了,所以在语法上也是对的,在意思上也是解释的过去;


首先,排除B,因为一般将来时中,主句用将来时,从句用一般时,它刚好反了。而且你的C答案是不是打错单词了?没见过这个单词啊,是provide?如果是,也排除C 哪有动词原形引导句子的?最后也排除D,意思翻译出来不对。所以选A
provided也不能引导句子! D答案在语法上是对的 但是翻译出来不对!...


首先,排除B,因为一般将来时中,主句用将来时,从句用一般时,它刚好反了。而且你的C答案是不是打错单词了?没见过这个单词啊,是provide?如果是,也排除C 哪有动词原形引导句子的?最后也排除D,意思翻译出来不对。所以选A
provided也不能引导句子! D答案在语法上是对的 但是翻译出来不对!



B: 如果
C: 如果,假设

The car is expensive.I can't buy the car.讲这句子变成一个句子.I can't buy the car _______ it is too expensive. 一个墙上挂着一幅画:_______ _______ ________ _______on the wall. (1)The piece of this type of car has _______(season/seasonal) changes.(2)Tim is 28 kilograms.Jim is 30 kilograms.(合并为一个句子)Jim is ______ _______ _______ ________Tim. 英语翻译翻译句子.记得在街角等我.Remember _______ _______ _______ me at the corner the street. 九年级英语的一个填空题根据句子的意思,在横线上填写单词,使句子完整、正确。Kim is _______ going to the countryside to relax. my grandpa listens to the radio every evening (用be going to改写句子) My grandpa _______ _______ _______ _______ to the radio tomorrow morning 英语翻译(句子翻译)他说他饱了,但事实上他非常饿.He said he was _______,but _______ _______ he was very_______在我们班的所有学生中,没有一个在早晨晚于6点起床.Of all the students in our class,_______ _______ 根据要求改写句子1.I have to finish the wotk today.(改为否定居)_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______2.I have got two newspapers on my desk.(改为一般疑问句)_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ __ 一个英语题目、根据汉语提示完成句子.这里的天气和澳大利亚的不同The weather here is ________ _______ ________ in Australia. 合并成一个句子,句意不变.I am ten years old.Kate is ten years old,too.We are the ______ _______. 从所给词中选一个恰当的词完成句子,People are scared _______(of,to)take the bus at night. The cute boy is singing a song loudly上面的句子中宾语_______ 主语_______谓语_________定语_______助动词________状语_______ My mother is doing the cooking now.(用often替代now改写句子)My mother often _______ the _______. 根据汉语及英文提示完成句子1.今天不要使用游泳池!_______ _______ the pool today2.让他自己做这件事Let _______ _______ it by himself.3.禁止钓鱼!_______ _______ 英语翻译_______ _______ _______ the park gate 一个句子,四选一,_______ the blueprint will be completed in August,they are preparing for the start of the project.A.Unless B.If C.Proviede D.Assuming为什么选D,C和D有何区别?C是Provided,题目中打错了 正确答案是D,为什么 Can you answer the question,_______?只能填一个词! 改变句子Mike took the foreign friends to visit the Bund yesterday.(保持句意基本不变)Mike _______ the foreign friends _______ the Bund yesterday.