雅思写作 求思路some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写分析分析题目顺便简单写几句吧

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:53:52
雅思写作 求思路some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写分析分析题目顺便简单写几句吧
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雅思写作 求思路some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写分析分析题目顺便简单写几句吧
雅思写作 求思路
some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree
给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写
.Some people think children should learn to compete,but others think that children should be taught to cooperate.Express some reasons of both views and give your own opinion.

雅思写作 求思路some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写分析分析题目顺便简单写几句吧
如果我写的话,可能会用“shit sandwich”的写法(虽然听起来有点恶心- -,但是我一个老师就是这么说的.),先说政府支付这些费用保证了社会的公平,让每个人都有平等的接受教育的机会,进而有相对平等的成功的机会,并且进一步促进了社会的和谐稳定发展;退一步说,有些人会argue说,政府的财政预算是有限的,增加的这部分教育支出会增加政府的经济压力啦,增加纳税人的压力啦;第三段反驳下,说但是羊毛出在羊身上啦,因为这部分支出也是用在纳税人身上啦,而且加强教育能提高劳动者的素质啦,反而对经济发展有促进作用啦,云云.
我一般很懒,什么事都往这几个方面扯,不过一般也都能扯得上- -

it is generally beliwved that some people are born with certain talents 雅思写作 雅思写作 求思路some people think that government should pay the cours fees for those who want to go to university.doyou agree or disagree给我说说呗 写了第一段了 2、3段不知方向要咋写分析分析题目顺便简单写几句吧 雅思大作文求思路Some people prefer forcusing on present while others planning in the future.What is your opinion?focusing 求雅思写作经验! 雅思写作大作文思路如何展开? 雅思写作思路:计算机能否代替图书馆 雅思写作思路:计算机能否代替图书馆 求写作思路 雅思写作总是中文写作的思路,怎么纠正? 跪求雅思写作句式 求雅思作文写作心得? 雅思作文求思路4Some people think high school students should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers,but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classrooms.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 问一道雅思作文题,谁能给下写作思路,列下提纲?Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other,while others say that individuals are becoming more independent of each other.Discuss bo 问一道雅思的作文题,谁能给我提供点写作思路?An American film actor once said,“Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present.Do you agre 雅思地图类作文的写作思路是怎样的? 2011雅思写作如何开阔思路、积累素材 大家推荐本提供雅思写作思路的作文书吧~ 2011雅思写作如何开阔思路、积累素材