英语中几个关于情态动词考察的题目,1.They started late but the ____ get there in time.A could B can C were able to D may个人的理解是选b can 表可能性时的考察.虽然前面是过去时,但后面in time表将来,个人理解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:14:34
英语中几个关于情态动词考察的题目,1.They started late but the ____ get there in time.A could B can C were able to D may个人的理解是选b can 表可能性时的考察.虽然前面是过去时,但后面in time表将来,个人理解
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英语中几个关于情态动词考察的题目,1.They started late but the ____ get there in time.A could B can C were able to D may个人的理解是选b can 表可能性时的考察.虽然前面是过去时,但后面in time表将来,个人理解
1.They started late but the ____ get there in time.
A could B can C were able to D may
个人的理解是选b can 表可能性时的考察.虽然前面是过去时,但后面in time表将来,个人理解选can 但是书中答案给的是 were able to ,个人认为这里虽然和前面一致了而且be able to 是对过去具有的能力的推测.但是和后面的 in time冲突,求达人指教到底哪个对.
2 To travel from England to Scotland you ____ a passport.
A mustn't have B haven't got C don't need D needn't
个人选的D needn't 不需要,答案给的是c dont't need .
3 Gordon Howard ____ with you when he told you he was a millionaire; he often likes to kid people.
A may be joking B may have been joking C may joke D must be joking
这个我选择的d,看到后面是一般现在时所以这样选,may have been joking 有点不理解这个完成进行时的用法 求具体解释.
4 John is playing soccer,but he_____
A should be studying B should studying C ought to be studies D ought to studying.
这个根本不理解了为什么是A should be studying.
5 When I was young,I ____ ten miles without stopping.
A can run B could have run C could run D could be run.
在a和c之间我选了a,因为can比could比更语气强可是答案是could,书中解释当表示过去具体能力或将来能力时不用can/could ,而用be able to.

英语中几个关于情态动词考察的题目,1.They started late but the ____ get there in time.A could B can C were able to D may个人的理解是选b can 表可能性时的考察.虽然前面是过去时,但后面in time表将来,个人理解
1.can仅表示有能力做成某事但不含有做成的意思,be able to 表示的是能够做成某事,且做了,若用were able to 则表示本来能够做成,却没做.
3翻译当Gordon Howard 告诉你他是一个百万富翁时,可能是在和你开玩笑,因为他总是戏弄别人.后面那句一般现在是表示的是他一贯如此,所以用一般现在时.前面是对过去发生的事的一种推测,属于虚拟语气范畴.对过去发生的事进行推测时,只能用情态动词+have done
may have been推测过去可能处于某种状态
may have done 推测过去可能干过.
may have been doing推测过去可能一直在干.
He may have been a teacher as a young man ; he is good at teaching his kids .
He may have lost his job because he can't afford toys for his son now .
He may have been looking for a job because he is out of work now .
4.John正在踢足球,但是他现在应该在学习.should be doing表示应该正做某事却没做
5.题中说的是小事侯的事,所以用could比can更合适,至于你说的be able to 句子就得改为
When I was young,I used be able to run ten miles without stopping.
“I could” and “I was able to” are not the same.“I could” means I used to be able to,but now I’m not able to.“I was able to” means I have the ability at one particular time in the past.

4 他本应该做的却没有做

需要解析的题目建议一个个问。这样一大段,我们看了第一个 再下面回答时根本看不到原题。不会吧.只有第1么我们看第一个的时候,在下面答就看不到原题了,同样,每个题目我们都无法看题目做解释。 而且你分开提问,答题的人可以多拿些分数。 这样一大堆我们全答了也只能拿一次分数,所以大部分人不会来答。...


需要解析的题目建议一个个问。这样一大段,我们看了第一个 再下面回答时根本看不到原题。
