七年级课外英语短文加翻译 和不认识词的翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:56:11
七年级课外英语短文加翻译 和不认识词的翻译
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七年级课外英语短文加翻译 和不认识词的翻译
七年级课外英语短文加翻译 和不认识词的翻译

七年级课外英语短文加翻译 和不认识词的翻译
The Mean Man's Party 吝啬鬼的聚会 The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party.Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment,he said,"Come up to the fifth floor and ring the doorbell with your elbow.When the door open,push with your foot." "Why use my elbow and foot?" "Well,gosh," was the reply,"You're not coming empty-handed,are you?" 一个声名狼藉的小气鬼终于决定要请一次客了.他在向一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“你上到五楼,用你的胳膊肘按门铃.门开了后,再用你的脚把门推开.” “为什么我要用我的肘和脚呢?” “天哪!” 吝啬鬼回答,“你总不会空着手来吧?”Old Peter liked fishing.Whenever he had any free time he drove into the countryside,found a good place to fish,and spent a few hours fishing.The problem was that most of the best places to fish were on private land,and Peter often had to pull his rod out of the water quickly and run off with it when the owner of the land came along. One day he was sitting by a river that ran through a rich man's property when he fell asleep. He was awakened by a voice saying,“You'll never catch anything using that bait.” Peter looked up and saw a man standing behind him. “What do you mean?”Peter said.“There's nothing wrong with this bait.I always use it.I've caught thirty fish with it today already.” “How interesting!” the man said.“Do you know who I am ” Peter shook his head. “I'm the owner of this land.” Peter thought very quickly. “Do you know who I am ”he asked. The man shook his head. “I'm the biggest liar in the country,”Peter told him. And with these words he pulled his line out of the water and ran off as fast as he could. 老彼得喜欢钓鱼.每当他有他驾驶入乡下的所有空闲时间,发现合适场所钓鱼,并且花费了几个小时钓鱼.问题是大多最佳的地方对鱼在私有土地,并且彼得必须从水里面迅速经常拉他的标尺和逃跑与它,当土地的所有者到来了.一天他由通过富人的物产跑的河坐,当他睡着了.他由声音说法唤醒,“您使用那个诱饵未曾将捉住任何东西”.彼得查找并且看见一个人站立在他之后.”彼得说.“这个诱饵没有错.我总使用它.我今天捉住了三十条鱼与它已经”.“怎么感兴趣!” 人说.“您知道谁我是?” 彼得摇了他的头.“我是这土地所有者”.彼得非常迅速认为.“您是否知道谁我是?”他要求.人摇了他的头.“我是最大的说谎者在国家”,彼得告诉了他.并且以这些词他拉扯了他的线在水外面和一样快速地逃跑,象他可能 A Good-Bye Gift When Michael Ma died,his three best friends went to his funeral.They stood for a moment,looking down into the grave of their friend."He was a good friend,"the first person said."He was generous and kind.Let's give him some money to use in heaven ." The other two friends agreed.They thought this was a good idea.The first friend took his wallet out of his pocket,opened it and took out a $100 bill.Then he threw it into the grave.The second friend did not want the other two to think he was stingy,so he also took out his wallet."You're right,"he said."He always helped his friends.He deserves to have everything he needs in his next life." And with these words,he also threw hundred dollar bill into the grave.The third man looked at the other two,and thought carefully for several minutes.He did not want them to think he was stingy ,but he really did hate spending money.Then he took out his checkbook and wrote a check for thre hundred dollars.He then threw the check into the grave."I haven't got any change,"he said ,"but that check is for three hundred dollars,so I've given the same as you." 当Michael Ma 死时,他的3个最好的朋友参加了他的葬礼.他们站着看了他们的朋友的棺材一会儿.“他是一个好朋友,”第一个人说道,“他是如此地慷慨如此地善良,我们给他一些钱让他在天堂用吧.” 另外两个朋友同意了,他们觉得这是个好主意.第一个人从他的口袋里掏出了钱包,打开拿了100美元,扔进了棺材.第2个朋友不希望别人说他小气,便也打开了钱包.“你们做得对,”他说,“他经常帮助朋友.他应该在来生得到他所需要的一切.”说者,他也拿了100美元放进了棺材.第3个朋友看着他们两个,沉思了一会儿.他不希望别人说他吝啬,但他实在是很讨厌花钱.然后他拿出了他的支票簿,写了一张300美元的支票,丢进了棺材里.“我没有换衣服,但这是一张价值300美元的支票,所以我给的是一样的