要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 02:56:01
要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D
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要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D
1.This is the house____my parents used to live.
A.which B.that C.where D.who
2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.
A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D.the other boy
3.____I____every question?
Yes,he _____
A.Need; to answer B.Do;need answer C.Need;answer D.Need do answer
4.The mother asked her kids to stop ____and _____to her.
A.to talk;listened B.talking;listen C.talking;listened D.to talk;listen
5.I have no idea what ___while I was asleep.
A.happened B.had happened C.was happened D.has happened
6.They were having a picnic ____the edge of the forest.
A.to B.on C.to D.in

要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D
1.This is the house____my parents used to live.
A.which B.that C.where D.who
如果live后有in 那么要选which,但是这里没有in,所以只能选择居住在哪儿的where.
2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.
A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D.the other boy
than+ any other+ 单数名词
+ all other students
+ any of the other students
+ any of the others
+ anybody else in her class
3.____I____every question?
Yes,he _____
A.Need; to answer B.Do;need answer C.Need;answer D.Need do answer
4.The mother asked her kids to stop ____and _____to her.
A.to talk;listened B.talking;listen C.talking;listened D.to talk;listen
stop doing 停止做某事,
listen to 固定搭配
两个动词之间用 and 链接 所以要前后一致,都要用一般现在时(动词原形).
5.I have no idea what ___while I was asleep.
A.happened B.had happened C.was happened D.has happened
因为happen 是一个不及物动词,不能跟宾语,没有被动语态.
while I was asleep是一般过去式,所以这里happen也要用一般过去式.
6.They were having a picnic ____the edge of the forest.
A.to B.on C.to D.in
两个选项是一样的 A&C 答案应是 at

1.This is the house____my parents used to live.
A.which B.that C.where D.who
解析 live in sp. 即 in which=where 介词加关系代词就等于关系副词。
2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.


1.This is the house____my parents used to live.
A.which B.that C.where D.who
解析 live in sp. 即 in which=where 介词加关系代词就等于关系副词。
2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.
A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D.the other boy
解析:后面有in her class,就表示它有范围 那么就有the.
3.____I____every question?
Yes,he _____
A.Need; to answer B.Do;need answer C.Need;answer D.Need do answer
解析:need作动词时是need to do st.作助动词时 后跟动词原形。
4.The mother asked her kids to stop ____and _____to her.
A.to talk;listened B.talking;listen C.talking;listened D.to talk;listen
解析:stop to do st.时停下来去做另一件事 stop doing st.是停下手中的事。and 并列to后面的,即ask sb.to do st.
5.I have no idea what ___while I was asleep.
A.happened B.had happened C.was happened D.has happened
6.They were having a picnic ____the edge of the forest.
A.to B.on C.to D.in
on .to 是两个地方临近时用的


1 a 也不对 因为是live in a house 所以应该是in which;bc好像都可以啊 不确定哪个,c更顺口一点儿
2 我感觉是a 她弹钢琴比他们班任何一个男生都厉害
3 看不懂题= =
4 b stop是原型所以listen也是
5 what happen 是 发生什么 was asleep所以happened
6 on the edge o...


1 a 也不对 因为是live in a house 所以应该是in which;bc好像都可以啊 不确定哪个,c更顺口一点儿
2 我感觉是a 她弹钢琴比他们班任何一个男生都厉害
3 看不懂题= =
4 b stop是原型所以listen也是
5 what happen 是 发生什么 was asleep所以happened
6 on the edge of 是在什么的边缘的意思 介词这种东西好像没什么为什么啊,固定搭配么~


which指代地点 表the house的
2. D
the other 表示两者中的另一 这里把男看成一整体,女看成要一整体
stop doing 是停止正在做的事情
edge 是名词 边缘的意思,be on the edge 是固定短语

1.C 定语从句,live是不及物动词,所以the house在从句中不能作宾语,要做地点状语,用where代替先行词the house。
2.B 在同一范围内的比较,any other +单数可数名词,表示其他任何一个
3.C need 既可以作实义动词又可以做情态动词,作情态动词可以用于疑问句中,肯定回答:Yes,you must.否定回答:No,you needn't .在这...


1.C 定语从句,live是不及物动词,所以the house在从句中不能作宾语,要做地点状语,用where代替先行词the house。
2.B 在同一范围内的比较,any other +单数可数名词,表示其他任何一个
3.C need 既可以作实义动词又可以做情态动词,作情态动词可以用于疑问句中,肯定回答:Yes,you must.否定回答:No,you needn't .在这里你题目是不是没有表达清楚啊?作实义动词要接to do !
4.B stop doing 是停止正在做的事情 ,stop ____and _____to her是并列成分,都做ask的宾语,listen与stop的时态一致。
5. while前后的时态要平衡,所以是一般过去时,happen表...发生,主动语态含有被动意义.
6.on the edge of ...,在...边缘上


1. C 后面的定于从句缺少地点状语。很好理解,我们不能说live the house,而只能说live in the house. 做此类题的时候有一个方法,看定语从句缺主语宾语就填关系代词what,which,who等; 定于从句缺状语就填 关系副词where,why,when,看它具体缺哪个关系副词了。
2. 只有C正确。A,B肯定都不正确,other不能用。the 表示特定,从in...


1. C 后面的定于从句缺少地点状语。很好理解,我们不能说live the house,而只能说live in the house. 做此类题的时候有一个方法,看定语从句缺主语宾语就填关系代词what,which,who等; 定于从句缺状语就填 关系副词where,why,when,看它具体缺哪个关系副词了。
2. 只有C正确。A,B肯定都不正确,other不能用。the 表示特定,从in her clss可知。
3. B 当把need当情态动词看待时,没有人称的变化,不用加s,后面也就用动词原形。
4. B
5. A 选A 因为后面两个是同时发生的,时态一致。
6. B 固定搭配


1.B2.B3.C4.B 5.过去式(was asleep0.6.C

1.C 2.B3 4.B5.A6.B
1.where my parents used to live是定语从句,live是不及物动词,所以the house在从句中不能直接作宾语,要加上介词,所以要用where。
2.她是一个人, than 表示在同一范围内的一个人比较,any other +单数可数名词,表示其他任何一个人
3.你的原题没有写清楚。我想说成:Does he...


1.C 2.B3 4.B5.A6.B
1.where my parents used to live是定语从句,live是不及物动词,所以the house在从句中不能直接作宾语,要加上介词,所以要用where。
2.她是一个人, than 表示在同一范围内的一个人比较,any other +单数可数名词,表示其他任何一个人
3.你的原题没有写清楚。我想说成:Does he need to answer the question?yes ,he,does. need 既可以作实义动词又可以做情态动词,在本句中是实义动词。作情态动词可以用于疑问句中,肯定回答:Yes,you must.否定回答:No,you needn't .
4. stop doing 是停止正在做的事情 ,stop ____and _____to her是并列成分,都做ask的宾语,listen与stop的时态应该一致。
5. while前后的时态要平衡,所以是一般过去时,happen表...发生,主动语态含有被动意义.
6.on the edge of ...,在...边缘上


1 C live in a house,没有in,where 引导的状语从句
2 B 这个句子想要表达的意思是她比她班中所有的男孩弹得都好,the other boys 意思是其他的男生,不代表所有男生
3 没看懂
4 B stop doing sth 表示停止正在发生的事情。and 连接两个动词stop 和listen,后半句都是ask的宾语
5 B what 引...


1 C live in a house,没有in,where 引导的状语从句
2 B 这个句子想要表达的意思是她比她班中所有的男孩弹得都好,the other boys 意思是其他的男生,不代表所有男生
3 没看懂
4 B stop doing sth 表示停止正在发生的事情。and 连接两个动词stop 和listen,后半句都是ask的宾语
5 B what 引导的定语从句,此事发生在过去且表示状态
6 at the edge of



1.C the house在从句中作地点状语live(in the house)故用where
此时where=in which
2.C she说明她是女的,故不能用any "other" boy, the other+boys=the others 即其余所有的男孩
3.he后不能用answer 题目有些问题
4.B stop与listen 并列ask sb t...


1.C the house在从句中作地点状语live(in the house)故用where
此时where=in which
2.C she说明她是女的,故不能用any "other" boy, the other+boys=the others 即其余所有的男孩
3.he后不能用answer 题目有些问题
4.B stop与listen 并列ask sb to do sth
stop doing 是停下手中正在做的事
stop to do停下来去做另一件事
5.B be on the edge of 是固定短语


1.B 限制性定语从句中一般都可以用that代
2 B any other指任何一个且后面必须加名词单数形式,根据句意选B
3 C
4 B 原句可改成The mother asked her kids to stop talking and asked her kids to listen to her.
5 A 后面是was,主从一致,应用过去式。此外,happe...


1.B 限制性定语从句中一般都可以用that代
2 B any other指任何一个且后面必须加名词单数形式,根据句意选B
3 C
4 B 原句可改成The mother asked her kids to stop talking and asked her kids to listen to her.
5 A 后面是was,主从一致,应用过去式。此外,happen不用被动语态,因为没有“被发生”这种说法
6 B 固定搭配,在...的边缘上


要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D 初二英语选择题,求讲解The teacher and writer ____ doing exercise this time yesterday.A.is B.was C.are D.were正确答案是B.求讲解! It is the place( )we work in. This is the place ( )we work. This is the place ( )we visit.This is the place ( )we work in.Is this the place ( )we work?Is this the place ( )we work in?要答案和讲解 This sweater is so small that I can't wear it.(保持句意不变)This sweater is( ) ( )for me ( ) ( )我要正确答案以及原因! this coat is pretty_____(beautiful).谢谢,能不能讲解一下 this is 与these are 的区别,该怎样讲解 this is 与these are 要讲解和道理! There is A(something ) B(on the table )but C (beThere is A(something ) B(on the table )but C (below nothing ).请问里面哪个选项是错误的,应该改为什么?请给出正确答案和讲解. Is this house ___ Sami was born in?A the one B where C which D that正确答案选A,我想问为什么house不是先行词呢?如果变成 is this the house___ Sami was born in?的话,是不是就可以用which或者that了?如果讲解的好,我一 that is just ( )i need.A.when b.what c.that d.this要写出详细的讲解过程 怎样讲解英语中把句子变成复数形式,如This is her sister.其中her要变成their吗 Whom would you like to be your girlfriend,Lucy or Lily?If I had choose,Lily would be ___choice.用better还是the better要正确答案和讲解 给我几个英语关于时态的题和正确答案并讲解 希望大家告诉我正确答案,过程和讲解,只要对就采纳或感谢! 要正确答案和过程,方程 英语近义词的辨析1.请问ensure 和 maintain在意思和用法上具体有什么区别呢?2.It is not expected that this software will be_______in this country.(请帮忙选出正确答案,然后辨析一下,)A.availabe B.serviceable C.pre _,this or that?which is betterwhat is betterwhat is the bestwhich is the best给出正确答案,并翻译 Is this school ___you visited last month?的答案和讲解A where B the one where C that D the one