求帮做一套英语测试题1 . Yhe policeman was attacked_________a knife. (4 分)A. onB. byC. withD. / 2 . She_________talking when I am watching TY. (4 分)A. alwaysB. keepsC. foreverD. / 3 . His parents live in Shanghai,__________ is a bi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 14:14:08
求帮做一套英语测试题1 . Yhe policeman was attacked_________a knife. (4 分)A. onB. byC. withD. /    2 . She_________talking when I am watching TY. (4 分)A. alwaysB. keepsC. foreverD. /    3 . His parents live in Shanghai,__________ is a bi
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求帮做一套英语测试题1 . Yhe policeman was attacked_________a knife. (4 分)A. onB. byC. withD. / 2 . She_________talking when I am watching TY. (4 分)A. alwaysB. keepsC. foreverD. / 3 . His parents live in Shanghai,__________ is a bi
1 . Yhe policeman was attacked_________a knife. (4 分)
A. on
B. by
C. with
D. /

2 . She_________talking when I am watching TY. (4 分)
A. always
B. keeps
C. forever
D. /

3 . His parents live in Shanghai,__________ is a big city in China. (4 分)
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. it it

4 . I broke my leg when I ___skiing in America (4 分)
A. 一〈不填〉
B. am
C. is
D. was was

5 . I'm in Greece at the moment.I like the weather___________. (4 分)
A. here
B. there
C. that
D. /

6 . I have lived here______1997. (4 分)
A. for
B. since
C. at
D. /

7 . You’d better have the colour TV set____________. (4 分)
A. repaired
B. repairs
C. repairing
D. repair

8 . I can do that job ______myself . (4 分)
A. by
B. on
C. with
D. /

9 . __________every day for 20 minutes . (4 分)
A. Exercise
B. To exercise
C. Should exercise
D. Exercise

10 . Jack spends two hours _________housework. (4 分)
A. do
B. to do
C. done
D. doing

11 . I prefer the TV ________the radio. (4 分)
A. to
B. on
C. __

12 . I broke my leg when I ________skiing in American . (4 分)
A. ___(不填)
B. is
C. was
D. /

13 . The technicians will have installed the computers__________the end of December. (4 分)
A. at
B. in
C. by
D. to to

14 . The technicians will have installed the computers _______the end of December. (4 分)
A. at
B. in
C. by
D. to

15 . I’d like a room___________windows look out over the sea. (4 分)
A. that B.
B. which
C. what
D. whose

16 . ____________every day for 20 minutes. (4 分)
A. Exercise
B. To exercise
C. Should exercise
D. /

17 . The road near our university_________ now. (4 分)
A. builds
B. is building
C. is being built
D. will build

18 . I'm tired.I_______ working very hard. (4 分)
A. have
B. have been
C. had
D. /

19 . My car was being________when it was stolen. (4 分)
A. repaired
B. repair
C. repairing
D. /

20 . It's very convenient__________ here. (4 分)
A. living
B. live
C. lived
D. /

21 . The homeless couple ____ at last in finding a flat to rent. (4 分)
A. managed
B. did
C. finished
D. succeeded

22 . Those cakes look nice.can I have___________? (4 分)
A. one
B. it
C. -
D. /

23 . I’d like a room___________windows look out over the sea. (4 分)
A. that B.
B. which
C. what
D. whose

24 . Tom was diasppointed that most of the guests __________when he_______at the party. (4 分)
A. left;had arrived
B. had left;had arrived
C. left;arrived
D. had left;arrived

25 . His parents live in shanghai ,______is a big city in China. (4 分)
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. it

求帮做一套英语测试题1 . Yhe policeman was attacked_________a knife. (4 分)A. onB. byC. withD. / 2 . She_________talking when I am watching TY. (4 分)A. alwaysB. keepsC. foreverD. / 3 . His parents live in Shanghai,__________ is a bi
1b 2b 3c 4d 5a 6b 7a 8a 9b 10d 11a 12c 13c 14c 15d 16b 17c 18b 19a 20a 21d 22a 23d 24d 25c

bbcda baaXd acccb accaa dabdc