2010年12月湖北英语三级答案 都要啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:17:23
2010年12月湖北英语三级答案 都要啊
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2010年12月湖北英语三级答案 都要啊

2010年12月湖北英语三级答案 都要啊
听力自己做,卷子是AB2套 有2个答案的后面的是B套
1 B.how
2 A.in creased
3 A.completes b:completed
4 C.unless
5 D.will have worked D:will have worked for
6 C.on arriving
7 C.did I leam
8 B.working
9 A.followed
10 D.which
1 education
2 comfortable
3 needed
4 was considered
5 harmful
6 carefully
7 best
8 to keep
9 filling
10 interested
一.1 D.Teamwork skills
2 B.Are learned while working in a team
3 B.En couraging employees to co-operate
B; In.to perate
4 A.To come to an agreement
A:A came to agtrrment
5 A.Team building A:team
阅读二.1 C.Provides private car hire service
C:pravides car zhe bire
2 B.The latest computer systems
B thlatest computersys tems
3 C.Telephone
4 B.Do sightseeing at a lower prile
5 A.Wedding service
1John Brown
2human resource management
3 educational background
4 work experience 注意,work可能是wnrle
5 early afternoons
旅行文件 (O) T
急诊医疗手术 (D) E
医疗费用 (F) M
行李损坏 (B) D
租车保险自负额 (K) R
儿童救助 (A) C
第三方责任 (M) TH
行程延误 (N) TR
罢工险 (L) S
战争险 (Q) W
另一卷1()旅行文件 Travel bocuments
2()儿童...Child help
3(D)急诊医疗手术Emergenly medi
4(M)第三方...Third dury insurule
5 (F)医疗费用Medicul exp...
6(N)行程延误 Travel delay
8(L)罢工..Strike risle
9(K)租车..保险Rentul vehide
10(Q)战争…War risle
1 It offers a .personal line
2 Up to (美元符号)100,000 cash or twice
your monthly in come
3 You can enjoya .a low interest rate
4 It's flexible repayments
5 Through Online Banking
或者是5 How can
Throngh on line banking
1 All of the
不可选 A 你申请
2 If you Can't
不可选 B 如果.获得贷款
3 These products
不可选 C 你们.来退货
4 A company's
不可选 D 董事会.措施
1.All of the…our commercial partner.
2.I you…
不选B 如果你无法预付租金,你的…两种贷款
3.These …cus tomers.
不选C 你们生产的…都是不合格的…顾客要求退换.
4 不选D 董事会决..他有权对重大问题采取措施

A 还是 B?