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( 范滇元 中国工程院院士)
“激光”一词是“LASER”的意译.LASER原是Light amplification by stimulated emissi on of radiation取字头组合而成的专门名词,在我国曾被翻译成“莱塞”、“光激射器” 、“光受激辐射放大器”等.1964年,钱学森院士提议取名为“激光”,既反映了“受激辐射”的科学内涵,又表明它是一种很强烈的新光源,贴切、传神而又简洁,得到我国科学界的一致认同并沿用至今.
从1961年中国第一台激光器宣布研制成功至今,在全国激光科研、教学、生产和使用单位共 同努力下,我国形成了门类齐全、水平先进、应用广泛的激光科技领域,并在产业化上取得可喜进步,为我国科学技术、国民经济和国防建设作出了积极贡献,在国际上了也争得了一席之地.
1957年,王大珩等在长春建立了我国第一所光学专业研究所——中国科学院(长春)光学精密 仪器机械研究所(简称“光机所”).在老一辈专家带领下,一批青年科技工作者迅速成长,邓锡铭是其中的突出代表.早在1958年美国物理学家肖洛、汤斯关于激光原理的著名论文发 表不久,他便积极倡导开展这项新技术研究,在短时间内凝聚了富有创新精神的中青年研究 队伍,提出了大量提高光源亮度、单位色性、相干性的设想和实验方案.1960年世界第一台激光器问世.1961年夏,在王之江主持下,我国第一台红宝石激光器研制成功.此后短短几年内,激光技术迅速发展,产生了一批先进成果.各种类型的固体、气体、半导体和化学激 光器相继研制成功.在基础研究和关键技术方面、一系列新概念、新方法和新技术(如腔的Q突变及转镜调Q、行波放大、铼系离子的利用、自由电子振荡辐射等)纷纷提出并获得实施,其中不少具有独创性.
同时,作为具有高亮度、高方向性、高质量等优异特性的新光源,激光很快应用于各技术领域,显示出强大的生命力和竞争力.通信方面,1964年9月用激光演示传送电视图像,1964年11月实现3~30公里的通话.工业方面,1965年5月激光打孔机成功地用于拉丝模打孔生产,获得显著经济效益.医学方面,1965年6月激光视网膜焊接器进行了动物和临床实验 .国防方面,1965年12月研制成功激光漫反射测距机(精度为10米/10公里),1966年4月研制出遥控脉冲激光多普勒测速仪.
China's laser technology development Retrospect and Prospect
(Fan Dian yuan the Chinese Academy of Engineering)
"Laser" is "LASER" translation. LASER was originally Light amplification by stimulated emissi on of radiation from a combination of the prefix specific terms, in our country has been translated into "Laise," "lasing light," and "optical amplifier by stimulated emission." 1964, Qian Xuesen academicians proposal named "Laser", reflects not only the "stimulated emission," the scientific connotation, and that it is a very strong source of new, appropriate, vivid and concise, by the Chinese scientific community consensus and in use ever since. 
From the 1961 China first laser that has successfully developed throughout the country, laser research, teaching, production and use of units under joint efforts, China has formed a complete range, the advanced level, the application of laser technology to a wide range of fields, and made the industrialization of encouraging progress for China's science and technology, national defense and national economy and made positive contributions in the international arena has also gain a place. 
First, China's early development of laser technology
1957, in Changchun Wang Shouguan, such as China's first professional optical Institute - the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Changchun) optical precision instruments Machinery Research Institute ( "-ray machine"). In the older generation of experts under the leadership of a number of young science and technology workers will grow rapidly, Deng Ximing is one of the outstanding representatives. As early as in 1958 the United States physicist Xiaoluo, Townes on the principle of laser famous paper published soon, he will actively promote this new technology research carried out in a short time the combination of the innovative spirit of the young and middle-aged research team proposed substantial increase brightness light source, color units, coherence of ideas and experimental programmes. 1960 World first laser come out. Summer 1961, under the auspices of Wang Jiang, China's first ruby laser developed. Within a short space of a few years, laser technology developed rapidly, and produce a number of advanced achievements. Various types of solids, gases, chemicals and semiconductor lasers have been successfully developed. In the basic research and key technologies, a series of new concepts, new methods and new technologies (such as mutation and cavity Q-to-Q, traveling wave amplification, Re-use system, free electron oscillations radiation, etc.) have been put forward and implemented, and many of them are unique. 
At the same time, as a high-brightness, high-directional, high-quality, and other advanced features of the new light source, laser used in various technical fields quickly, demonstrating a strong vitality and competitiveness. Communications, in September 1964 by television pictures transmitted laser demonstration, in November 1964 to achieve 3 to 30 km calls. Industries, in May 1965 laser drilling machine successfully used Drawing Die Blanking production, acquisition significant economic benefits. Medicine, June 1965 retinal laser welding for the animals and conduct clinical trials. National defense, in December 1965 successfully developed laser rangefinder Diffuse Reflectance (accuracy of 10 meters / 10 km), in April 1966 developed remote control pulse laser Doppler velocimeter.