
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:33:32
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The narrator:The Necklace is a sad story of how a couple has
to suffer hardship and poverthy for ten years to
replace the loss of a necklace.
Loisel:(show a letter to Mathilde)Honey,I have recieved
an invitation to attend a grand party given by the
Mathilde:(cry)But I don't have any suitable grown and
jewellery.(behaved like a spolit child and
was ungrateful towards her wife)
Loisel:Don't cry ,Honey.I give you four hundred
francs to buy a new grown.
Mathilde:(show off her new grown)It is very nice ,isn't?I
lament I don't have jewellery to go with my grown.
Loisel:You might wear natural flower.
Mathilde:It will make me look poor.
Loisel:Go and look up your friend,Madame Forestier
and ask her to lend you some jewels.
Mathilde:May I borrow your diamond necklace?
Madame Forestier:Of course yes.You're my best friend,isn't?
(show the jewellery box)Choose my dear.
Mathilde:(give a hug to Madame Forestier)May I choose this
Madame Foresthier:Definitely,yes.
Mathilde:Thanks a lot.
Madame Foresthier:You're welcome.
The narrator:at the grand party,Mathilde is prettier than any
other women.She is a great success.She enjoys
admiration and is "intoxicated with pleasure''.
Mathilde:(she finally leaves the ball)Where is my necklace?
Loisel:What?You have lost your friend diamond necklace.Have you
found properly?
Mathilde:I'm sure the necklace still at my neck before I left
the ball.
The narrator:They search in every jewellery shop for a
similar necklace.After that ,they are fored to
live in poverty.due to the debt,she looks very old
and no longer dreams alife of luxury.After ten
Mathilde:Hi,Madame foresthier,I'm Mathilde.You still looks
young,still beautiful and charming.
Madame Forestier:Oh,my poor Mathilde!How can you are changed!
I nearly could not recognise you.
(she deeply move and took her hand)
Mathilde:Actually I have lost your diamond necklace and I have
suffer to pay back for the lost of the neclace.
Madame Mathilde:My necklace is paste.It is worth at most only
five hundred francs!
Mathilde act as wife
Loisel act a husband
Madame Forestier act as Mathilde friend

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