
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:12:05
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--读《鲁宾逊漂流记》有感 英国小说家笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》描述了主人公漂流海岛,战胜困难,艰苦创业的传奇故事.小说写得真实自然,富有传奇色彩.主人公在孤岛上种庄稼,搭木屋,吃了千辛万苦,生存下来.但想回人间的心切,使他着迷般地只想到如何走出这个鬼地方,结果还是失败了,最后于1868年回到阔别28年的英国 翻开书的第一页:"谨以此书奉献给那些时时处处依赖父母,依赖学校的青少年朋友们."当我从扉页上读到这句话的时候,便对这本书产生了一种莫名的反感.任性,娇气,依赖性强而动手能力差,这的确是我们绝大多数人的缺点.但我们不甘心承认这些,我们不也希望做得更好吗?可为什么,周围的人总要给我们戴上这顶"帽子"呢?当我郑重地翻过最后一页,读完了这个情节曲折,跌宕起伏的故事之时,我想我真的被震憾了,那是一种心灵上的震动.一个个问号不由地萦绕在我的心头,如果我是鲁宾逊…… 如果我是他,当船在暴风雨中失事的时候,我会像他那样不向命运低头继续远航吗?不,如果可以选择的话,我不会去接受那充满困难和挫折的生活,因为我没有那份自信.如果我是他,当独自一人置身于荒岛之上,叫天天不应,叫地地不灵时,我会像他那样不自暴自弃,重燃生的希望吗?不,面对突如其来的灾难,我不可能像他那样因时顺变,积极自救,因为我没有那种能力.如果我是他,当看到野人用自己的同类开宴会时,我会像他那样勇敢地站起来,在仅有一个助手的情况下同他们搏斗吗?不,我宁可躲得远远的,祈祷他们永远不要发现我,因为我没有那种胆量.我不得不承认自己的软弱与无能.从呱呱坠地到背上书包,父母,学校为我们铺设了成长的道路.我心安理得地在这条平坦的大道上走过了一年又一年,没有挫折,没有风浪,而我还整天抱怨这个,抱怨那个.其实我根本没有咀嚼过生活中的苦涩,我是幸福的.然而幸福中的我根本没有意识到能吃饱穿暖,背上书包去上学,每天接受家人们的关爱,社会的关注是一种莫大的快乐.
was cooler than yesterday.One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries.You must know it is unusual.Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries.There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing.On the hill,you can breathe the fresh air,you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries.It was enjoyable.It is said there are wild pigs in the hill.What a beautiful natural.
The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken.When you open the mobile telephone,the screen is always white with light.You can’t see from the screen.And my father is a businessman.He needed a new one.So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop.There are many new kinds of mobile telephones.At first,my father chose a Sumsung one.But all the telephones have sold out.Finally,my father chose a Motorola one.



现在的我们就象生活在温室里的花朵,没有经受过人生真正的挫折,只有经历过磨难,才能成就一个真正坚强的人。这就是《鲁滨逊漂流记》告诉我的道理A deserted, there is no daily necessities, without shelter, only a sea and a forest of the island, only a waste on board a little bit of food, guns, ammunition and other things not of much use, you can live alone in the above long - Twenty-six years old up to do? You can merely with a person in the above to build their own castle, to grow crops to do? You can rely on the wisdom of a person overcome the difficult? In our real life, seems to be impossible. But this can not be all that occurred in the "Robinson Crusoe" Robinson in the hero's body.
"Robinson Crusoe" in Robinson's account of the hero in a tragic sailing was the storm of attacks, in addition to him, the rest were all killed. He was floating to the island that do not have signs of human habitation. His heart was full of feeling of helplessness and loneliness, do not know how to live on this island, but he consoled himself by constantly but, relying on their wisdom and courage to overcome numerous difficulties and their own lives continues, and found a lot of people will enjoy life, he gradually faded away and going to go back to a civilized society, when he had rescued the opportunity to ... ...
In the story, strong and unyielding Robinson With its own strength and in the waste on board to find some of the tools built in the wasteland on the shelter, planting of the wheat grain, but also keeping the animal to complete their basic and essential needs of life . In this process, he also encountered many difficulties and setbacks, negative out of hard labor. For example, there are two walls of his house is almost spent more than a year before built; in his first sowing of barley and rice, because of planting is not the time to waste these valuable inventory on the half; in order to Several cellar dug in preparation for storage of fresh water,
Robinson has worked so hard to have done a few months; in order to be able to make a soup pot, he racked his brains to try a variety of ways, but also failed numerous times, only to come up manufacturing methods; however, all this difficulties, have been Robinson's perseverance, never give up the spirit of conquest, this island, like Robinson, each and every hand-made things, a coalescence of all his efforts, he will because each one little success, joy unspeakable. Whenever I see these clips, the feeling of my heart simply can not just use an "admiration" as described, I have really been conquered Robinson was voted to five bodies.
"Robinson Crusoe" This book, I opened a vision, it makes my heart has been a strong shock. As long as we, like Robinson, in the same predicament in front without retreat, to overcome problems with his kind of spirit to survive in the desperate belief that what we will not succeed? What things can be worse than that Robinson had been subjected to it?
Now we are like living in the hothouse flowers, there is no life has undergone a real setback, and only experienced hardships, success can be a real strong person. This is the "Robinson Crusoe" Tell me the truth.。
见,赶紧开溜,接着,又互相推卸责任,回家后 ,刘星又
In boring day, Alice has made a dream. Dream, dream about her Has a strange rabbit from a jump into the hole, Alice Jianzhao strange, but also with the past. From the cave, she experienced a lot of strange things, For example, drinking, "I drink" bottle of water, eat some snacks have Let Alice larger or smaller possible case of a bad temper the old Mouse; like to see a cut head of the Queen of others in no knowledge of the Under the circumstances, Alice as a witness. Queen to cut down on the Alice The first time, Alice's dream is over. After reading this novel, I thought of Alice's brave, we It is not lack of courage? » For example, TV dramas [Families with children] Liu Xing in the bar, and a group of With playing basketball, not to the uncle's car smashed the glass, they 1 See, hastened to Kai Liu, then shirk responsibility and each other, after returning home, Liu Xing and Not the courage to admit its mistakes parents, Is this a brave performance? » Last semester, a music class, students to a teacher Lee threw the first piece of chalk, Afterward, the language teacher accountability, he has not the courage to admit its mistakes, and What is the performance of this?Of course, some people are brave, but only a small part. For example, Hawking. Hawking in sick, not fear, but more hard work to Left us with fewer problems. Courage, integrity is with the help of some difficulties; courageous, that is Done a bad thing courage to admit its mistake and hope that we can never achieve the "courage" of Word!
