成分和only的位置以及一个翻译1,The book is believed to be interesting.其中to be interesting做什么成分?2,Tom became captain in place of Jhon who had broken his leg.除了副词和状语从句外,还有什么可以充当句子的状

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 01:40:58
成分和only的位置以及一个翻译1,The book is believed to be interesting.其中to be interesting做什么成分?2,Tom became captain in place of Jhon who had broken his leg.除了副词和状语从句外,还有什么可以充当句子的状
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成分和only的位置以及一个翻译1,The book is believed to be interesting.其中to be interesting做什么成分?2,Tom became captain in place of Jhon who had broken his leg.除了副词和状语从句外,还有什么可以充当句子的状
1,The book is believed to be interesting.其中to be interesting做什么成分?
2,Tom became captain in place of Jhon who had broken his leg.除了副词和状语从句外,还有什么可以充当句子的状语?上面的in place of 这个介词短语(是这么称呼吗?)是不是就是做的状语?
3,He travlled from place to place, and returned home only yesterday.其中only可不可以放到returned前面:He travlled from place to place, and only returned home yesterday.
I only go to the cinema from time to time.可不可以:I go to the cinema only from time to time.
4, I have no books. 和 I have no book.的中文意思不一样,前者是“我没有一些书”,后者是“我没有书”,对吗?

成分和only的位置以及一个翻译1,The book is believed to be interesting.其中to be interesting做什么成分?2,Tom became captain in place of Jhon who had broken his leg.除了副词和状语从句外,还有什么可以充当句子的状
在主动句Sb believes the book to be interesting.中,to be interesting为宾语补足语.
如:He is reading in the classroom.in the classroom即为介宾短语做地点状语.
He is too young to go to school.不定式to go to school为结果状语.
I've walked two miles.名词短语two miles做状语.
only yesterday强调时间状语yesterday,即“只是在昨天刚回家”;
only returned home强调动作returned,即“昨天只是回了一下家”.
5.翻译:Please tell me how you understand this film.
该句中you understand this film不缺主语/宾语,只是缺个方式状语“怎样”,所以用how.
再如:how to do it和what to do.
do it不缺宾语,同样缺少方式状语,用how;

成分和only的位置以及一个翻译1,The book is believed to be interesting.其中to be interesting做什么成分?2,Tom became captain in place of Jhon who had broken his leg.除了副词和状语从句外,还有什么可以充当句子的状 DNA复制中,RNA转录和翻译中所用的所有酶以及酶的作用位置 DNA复制中,RNA转录和翻译中所用的所有酶以及酶的作用位置 芝麻油和菜籽油哪个好,以及它们的成分 陶瓷的原料和成分以及形成过程 我有一个化工产品,想检测出它的成分和含量以及制作工艺,去哪? only love的歌词和翻译 玻璃棉的用途,以及成分 带th的单词有哪些?如下: ***th** **th** **th** ***th ***th **th*“*”就是一个字母!可以填什么呀! 用软件翻译的就免了 I want to buy only a unit of this I articulate dime th only also 和频率副词的位置还有什么跟ONLY ALSO 性质差不多词、 放置于什么位置、 篮球位置和英文缩写以及作用篮球的正常位置缩写和分工 亚洲的经纬度位置,以及海陆位置 英语翻译1,2,3之后的数字,例如“4th,12th,9th”把这三个翻译一下(不是中文)把th变为复杂形式 英语翻译名词性damage的英英解释是:the process of spoiling the condition or quality of sth and the harm or loss that results请高手翻译上面整个短语,请讲解一下这里的and 连接的是哪两个并列成分,以及这里的th 请问that 代表什么,and often do 是什么成分the rate do B would be twice that for A.还有一个问题,the temperature control problems can and often do occur.怎么翻译,and often do 是什么成分,do 和 occur 都是动词,能连用吗,th only的翻译 only one 的翻译