
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 03:20:11
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是的,have也可以作使令性动词,用法是:have sb.do sth.,后面跟不带to的动词不定式(即动词原形)
I had his secretary draw a map for us so that it didn't take too much to get the house of our boss.

have 助词v.aux. 1. (加过去分词,构成完成时态)已经;曾经 have/has done现在完成时 had done过去完成时 will have done将来完成时 would have done过去将来完成时 have/has been doing现在完成进行 had been doing过去完成进行 EG.: They haven't finished the ...


have 助词v.aux. 1. (加过去分词,构成完成时态)已经;曾经 have/has done现在完成时 had done过去完成时 will have done将来完成时 would have done过去将来完成时 have/has been doing现在完成进行 had been doing过去完成进行 EG.: They haven't finished the job yet. 他们尚未完成该项工作。 2. (用于虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设)(假如那时)...的话 She might have come if she hadn't been so busy. 当时若不是那么忙,她是可能来的。 及物动词vt. 1. 有,拥有[W] This coat has no pockets. 这件衣服没有口袋。 2. 怀有,持有[W] Many people have doubts about the new project. 许多人对这项新工程有怀疑。 3. 体验;经验;患[W] We had a wonderful time on the beach. 我们在海滩上玩得好极了。 4. 拿;得到,取得[W] We gave him a present, but he wouldn't have it. 我们给他一件礼物,但他不肯接受。 5. 进行,从事(某事) The manager is having a meeting. 经理正在开会。 6. 吃;喝;吸(烟) They had their lunch in a cafeteria. 他们在一家自助餐厅吃了午饭。 Have a cup of coffee, please. 请喝杯咖啡。 7. 邀请(某人),招待[O] We had some guests for dinner last night. 我们昨晚请了几位客人吃饭。 8. (用于否定句中)容忍;允许[O4] I won't have anyone smoking in here. 我不容许任何人在这里抽烟。 9. 生得,生育 My wife is going to have a baby. 我妻子快要生孩子了。 10. 使,让;招致[O7][O8] Pa's had his hands burned. 爸爸的手给烫伤了。 I've had the stove lighted. 我已经让人把炉子点着了。 11. 要;叫;使[O3][O4] I'll be proud to have you read it. 你肯读它我会感到骄傲的。 12. 必须,不得不[+to-v] I have to go right now. 我马上得走。 13. 【俚】哄骗,欺骗[H] They were had in that deal. 他们在那笔生意上受了骗。 14. 明白,懂得[W] I guess I have your ideas. 我想我明白你的意思。 15. 【俚】与(女人)性交 名词n. 1. 富人;富国[the P] The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening. 贫富之间的差距在扩大
have sb do sth (1) 叫(请,使)某人做某事。如: I’ll have her post the letter. 我要叫她去寄信。 He had his son clean the car. 他叫他的儿子擦车。 (2) 容忍或允许某人做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t连用)。如: I won’t have you tell me what to do. 我不能让你对我做的事指手划脚。 2. have sb (sth) doing sth (1) 使(让)某人(某事物)一直做在做某事。如: He had the light burning all night. 他让灯亮了一整夜。 Within minutes he had the whole audience laughing and clapping. 没出几分钟他就让全体听众笑起来,鼓起掌来。 (2) 容忍或允许某人做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t连用)。如: He won’t have boys arriving late. 他不允许孩子们迟到。 I won’t have you smoking at your age. 我不能让你在这个年纪就抽烟。 (3) 说服或命令某人做某事。如: He had me doing all kinds of jobs for her. 他叫我为她做各种事情。 3. have sth done (1) 请(让)别人做某事。如: We had the machine repaired. 我们请人修理了机器。 Why don’t you have your hair cut? 你为什么不理发? 注:有时指无意志的行为。如: He had his salary raised. 他加薪了。 (2) 经历或遭遇某情况。如: He had his finger cut. 他的手指弄伤了。 I had my watch stolen yesterday. 我的表昨天被人偷去了。 (3) 完成或解决某事。如: He had 1000 yuan saved last year. 他去年存了1000元。 I’ve had all my mistakes corrected. 我已把所有的错误都改正过来了。 (4) 容忍或允许做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t 等连用)。如: We won’t have anything said against the Party. 我们不允许有人这样攻击党。 4. have sth to do 有某事要做。如: I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。 She has plenty of clothes to wear. 她有足够的衣服穿。 5. have on (1) 穿着,戴着。如: He had nothing on except a hat. 他身上一丝不挂,只是戴了顶帽子。 (2) 有安排,有计划,有活动。如: I have nothing on for tonight. 我今晚没什么事。 (3) 戏弄,欺骗。如: You won? You’re not having me on? 你赢了? 没骗我吧? 短语 have to不得不 have fun 玩得开心 have in mind 考虑 have got 拥有 have on 穿着 戴着 have a look 看一看 have no idea 一点也没听说过 一点也不知道 have access to 可以到达 have a good time 玩得痛快 have some food 吃点东西 have a rest 休息 have a sent 就坐 have tea 喝茶 have a drink 喝(某东西) have a swim 游泳 have a try 尝试 have a talk 谈话 have a walk 散步


Have 是使役性动词,常用结构Havesthdone表被动,havesthdoing表主动,havesthtobedone.常用的使役动词还有make,get,let等