求一篇以“A word That Has Changed the Word”的英文演讲稿?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:47:09
求一篇以“A word That Has Changed the Word”的英文演讲稿?
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求一篇以“A word That Has Changed the Word”的英文演讲稿?
求一篇以“A word That Has Changed the Word”的英文演讲稿?

求一篇以“A word That Has Changed the Word”的英文演讲稿?
China has changed the world
Li Dongqi
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.Imagine that we live the city of Chang’an in Tang Dynasty.Walking along the street,we may meet people from different countries,wearing traditional Chinese costumes,speaking Chinese.They study,do businesses even settle here.What will we feel?We will feel proud because the nation is so advanced and prosperous.However,gone is our pride as the decline of China in recent history.But we should still be proud because China has changed the world both in ancient times and in modern times.
In ancient times,nothing had contributed to development of human civilization more than the four great inventions of China had.Fracis Bacon said” printing,gunpowder and compass have completely changed the appearance and situation of everything worldwide”.Without paper and printing,human being would not have recorded,inherited and spread knowledge effectively; without gunpowder,people may still be shackled in the darkness of feudalism; without compass,globalization would has been postponed centuries.We can not say that without the four great inventions of China,the development of human civilization would stoop,but we can safely say that it would have been delayed.
Besides technology,Chinese culture has also changed the world.When people absorb Chinese philosophy—the Unity of Man and Heaven to study how to get along with the nature; when 322 Confucius Institutes are established in 96 countries and regions; when Spring Festival becomes more and more popular around the world,we can easily understand how Chinese culture has changed the world.
In modern times,I just take the economy of China as an example,which has not only changed China,but also the world.American writer Sara Bongiorni made an experiment,in which her family did not buy any goods made in China.In her book A Year without Made in China she says “you can still live without it.But it’s getting trickier and costlier by the day.” This is a microcosm that shows how the economy of China has the world.The figure that half of the contribution to the increase of world economy was made by China in 2009 speaks louder.
Ladies and gentlemen,as Chinese,we should be proud that China has changed the world; as Chinese,we should be proud that China is changing the world; as Chinese,we should be proud that China will continue to change the world which will bring us back the lost pride.

People believe that the word "love" is the motivation of all desires and commitments on earth. Because the word "love" can mean more than just what the word stands for. "Love" is a symbolism of passio...


People believe that the word "love" is the motivation of all desires and commitments on earth. Because the word "love" can mean more than just what the word stands for. "Love" is a symbolism of passion, kindness, and it means to have affection to someone or something. I also believe that “love” is the word that can change the world. Because of love, something that used to be impossible can be made possible, something that you never really liked to do you can end up loving. Because of “love” there is the future generations, and “love” is one of the main element that drives the world forward, to a better generation, a better future. I know that it’s cheesy to say things like that, but it is the truth. Thus the word that has changed the world, and will continue to do so, is “love”.


是A word That Has Changed the World吧。网上有个视频,讲的是一个老者在行乞,他是一位盲人,在他旁边,有一个纸板,上书“I‘m blind,please help me”,一美女经过,看了那个纸后,把内容给改写了:“Sunshine is bright and beautiful, but I can't see it”,结果很多路人就来施舍,结局是美女再次经过,看到...


是A word That Has Changed the World吧。网上有个视频,讲的是一个老者在行乞,他是一位盲人,在他旁边,有一个纸板,上书“I‘m blind,please help me”,一美女经过,看了那个纸后,把内容给改写了:“Sunshine is bright and beautiful, but I can't see it”,结果很多路人就来施舍,结局是美女再次经过,看到老人的收入,很是满意。画面最终是“A word That Has Changed the World”,记得好像是facebook的一个广告,你可以上网去搜一下,以此改写一个演讲稿
