中学英语,语法好的请进.1.On Friday afternoon we were getting ready to go to the pictures when the baby-sitter rang (81) (say) that she would come at 6:30 instead of 6 pm.So when we got to the cinema the film (82)__had started (start) already

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:30:24
中学英语,语法好的请进.1.On Friday afternoon we were getting ready to go to the pictures when the baby-sitter rang (81) (say) that she would come at 6:30 instead of 6 pm.So when we got to the cinema the film (82)__had started (start) already
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中学英语,语法好的请进.1.On Friday afternoon we were getting ready to go to the pictures when the baby-sitter rang (81) (say) that she would come at 6:30 instead of 6 pm.So when we got to the cinema the film (82)__had started (start) already
1.On Friday afternoon we were getting ready to go to the pictures when the baby-sitter rang (81) (say) that she would come at 6:30 instead of 6 pm.So when we got to the cinema the film (82)__had started (start) already.We (83)were led_ (lead) to our seats by the usher in the dark.We (84)had watched_ (watch) the film for about half an hour when something (85)__hit(hit) me on the head.A little boy who (86)sat (sit) two rows behind me said,“I am sorry,madam.I (87)did(do) it by accident.I (88)threw_ (throw) an ice cream to the boy who (89)__is sitting(sit) in front of you.I thought he (90)_would catch__ (catch) it.”
第81题答案为什么是to said?
2.In the sentence there is a word of four letters hidden between words that are next to each other.Find this four letter word.
Example:Scientific paper books.sand
The winter ice covers the pond._________
3.B35.________ the wrong number,she couldn't get in touch with her friend Lisa.
A.Being received B.Having been given
C.While receiving D.When having given
4.D41.Young children are completely ________ the mother for their physical needs and for their early education and training.
A.relied on B.independent of C.depending on D.dependent on

中学英语,语法好的请进.1.On Friday afternoon we were getting ready to go to the pictures when the baby-sitter rang (81) (say) that she would come at 6:30 instead of 6 pm.So when we got to the cinema the film (82)__had started (start) already
首先说下rang to say.ring sb 给某人打电话.若有ring sb to do sth的句式的话,则构成不定式短语做目的状语.即题中to say that...为baby-sitter打电话的目的.
第二.In the sentence there is a word of four letters hidden between words that are next to each other.Find this four letter word.
那么在when we got to the cinema the film had started中,我们可以看到math正好藏在cinema和the之间.所以答案为:math.
至于接下来的:Example:Scientific paper books.sand
The winter ice covers the pond._________
第三.Having been given the wrong number,she couldn't get in touch with her friend Lisa.
因为得到的是错误的电话号码,她无法与好朋友Lisa取得联系.Having been given the wrong number为分词短语做状语,之所以用动名词的形式,是因为动名词短语中的主语和句子的主语相一致.
若C选项为 While she was receiving则可选,构成时间状语从句.(因为要构成从句,那么它必须具备谓语动词,很显然题中C项中只有一个现在分词,不足以构成从句)
第四.Young children are completely dependent on the mother for their physical needs and for their early education and training.
D项为唯一答案.依靠、依赖:be dependent on = depend on = rely on 其反义词为 be independent of
因为题中出现了be动词are,所以不能再用动词短语:A.relied on,B、C选项符合语法,但不能使句子有完整的逻辑关系.所以,选D!


说实话, 你的确很用心,
学习英语的时候注意不要死记硬背, 没有用的,
单词实在太多, 注意一定要意会!

不一定每一个单词你都要认识! 通过读句子, 你能明白是最好的! 选项与选项之间看似相同或者差不多, 但它在使用的情景或时间状态不同,就会出现些许的差别!


说实话, 你的确很用心,
学习英语的时候注意不要死记硬背, 没有用的,
单词实在太多, 注意一定要意会!

不一定每一个单词你都要认识! 通过读句子, 你能明白是最好的! 选项与选项之间看似相同或者差不多, 但它在使用的情景或时间状态不同,就会出现些许的差别!


81 应该填 to say
3 非谓语动词作原因状语 she 与 give之间是被动关系,所以用被动结构having been given
4 此句应用主动语态 排除A 只能选 D be dependent on = depend on

【1】to say是目的状语,后接的that是同位语从句,就是说整句话只到rang位置也是完整的句子,成立。
【3】先看逻辑主语,she.再看动作先后顺序,先:被给错号码。后:无法和朋友丽莎取得联系。 所以应是被告知,排除C,D选项。A选项进行时,但句中的couldn't明显标示时态为过去,所以选B。


【1】to say是目的状语,后接的that是同位语从句,就是说整句话只到rang位置也是完整的句子,成立。
【3】先看逻辑主语,she.再看动作先后顺序,先:被给错号码。后:无法和朋友丽莎取得联系。 所以应是被告知,排除C,D选项。A选项进行时,但句中的couldn't明显标示时态为过去,所以选B。


ring to do something!啊,又因是过去完成进行时,所以用过去时态


哇 LZ为什么不直接问老师呢? 打这么多,好辛苦哦
(*^__^*) ~