一.将MIKe的日程按先后顺序排列.( )then he has his breakfast.( )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.( )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock( )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30( )he has English class in the afternoon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 02:52:28
一.将MIKe的日程按先后顺序排列.( )then he has his breakfast.( )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.( )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock( )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30( )he has English class in the afternoon
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一.将MIKe的日程按先后顺序排列.( )then he has his breakfast.( )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.( )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock( )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30( )he has English class in the afternoon
一.将MIKe的日程按先后顺序排列.( )then he has his breakfast.
( )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.
( )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock
( )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30
( )he has English class in the afternoon

一.将MIKe的日程按先后顺序排列.( )then he has his breakfast.( )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.( )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock( )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30( )he has English class in the afternoon
( 2)then he has his breakfast.
(3 )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.
( 1 )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock
( 5 )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30
( 4 )he has English class in the afternoon

( 1 )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock
( 2)then he has his breakfast
( 3 )he has English class in the afternoon
( 4 )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30
( 5)he has his lunch at seven o’clock

具体是看时间排序。eat lunch的那个是不是打错了?时间不对。

一.将MIKe的日程按先后顺序排列.( )then he has his breakfast.( )he has his lunch at seven o’clock.( )Mike usually gets up at seven o'clock( )After school ,he plays on the playground at 5:30( )he has English class in the afternoon 将下列地名按字母表的先后顺序排列:玉环 温岭 三门 黄岩 路桥 椒江 仙居 天台 请将下列任务按朝代的先后顺序排列王勃 屈原 罗贯中 吴敬梓 司马迁 将下面单词按词典里出现的先后顺序排列.rabbit elephant sheep cow tiger mouse cat dog 科学:将下列计时器按发明的先后顺序排列:1沙漏2机械表2日晷4电子表. 邓小平理论.列宁主义.毛泽东思想.马克思主义按产生的先后顺序排列 “新年的第一天 儿童节 春节 建军节 教师节 圣诞节 国庆节 元宵节 植树节”按时间先后顺序排列将这些节日按时间先后顺序排列 有关一道排列词语的题目将除夕、元宵、冬至、初一按时间的先后顺序排列. 将春秋 西周 夏 战国 西汉 商 西晋 三国 秦 东汉 南北朝 东晋 按先后顺序排列 将下列人物按朝代先后顺序排列.李白,孔子,曹操,曹雪芹和苏轼?急用! 将《出师表》《公输》《醉翁亭记》《陋室铭》《卖柑者言》《惠子相梁》按写作年代先后顺序排列 请从按时间的先后顺序排列, 军舰潜水艇轮船帆船按先后顺序排列 将下列的交通工具按发明的先后顺序排列,并说出他们的特点与优势飞机火车自行车轮船汽车 将下列单词按英语字典中出现的先后顺序排列:is,pen,ruler,orange,jacket,key,map,quilt,cup,English ,an,thank 将下列文明按出现的先后顺序排列:1,清明上河图2,兵马俑3,康熙南巡图4,元世祖出猎图 9、将下列史实按时间先后顺序排列起来( ) 地貌中,褶皱和断层还有侵入岩脉事件发生的先后顺序是?顺序排列按发生时间先后,