谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 21:24:45
谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到
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谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到
谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到

谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到
首先我们来看一下第一句话,I find his door closed.在判断closed是过去分词还是形容词的时候,建议你可以将find后面的部分补全成为一个句子,然后助动词添加is/has,如果是is那么宾语的成分应该是形容词,如果是has则后面的的成分是过去分词.
这里你能说:the door has closed吗?当然不能,门不会自己关,只能被关,所以这里是the door is closed.
The old man found his hometown much changed.
最后来看一下I find America a wonderful place.
其实“find+宾语+宾语补足语”很多情况下可以变形为“find that+宾语+is/are 宾语补足语”
I find that America is a wonderful place.

谁知道1.I find his door closed.closed是过去分词做宾语补足语吗?可是我还看到 Do not smash the door open;I can find the .When I passed by his door,I heard him _____________. I find his confidence这句话是什么意思 1:He talks to his best friends to find an ______ for his anger.1.outlet 2.entrance 3.exit 4.door 1:He talks to his best friends to find an ______ for his anger.1.outlet 2.entrance 3.exit 4.door 2:It is important to ______ between right and wron I helped him find his father.为什么find不用过去式? 哪首歌里有这句歌词i want find a door and find away,but fell down on the way 1.He raised his hat ___ his head in order to let me find him in the crowed.A.on B.over C.above D.behind ( B.C 哪一个呢?好难区分哦) 2.I hear someone ___ at the door .Please go and see who ___ is.A.knock,it B.knocking it C.knocking,he D.knoc find his find his 根据首字母填空 I opened the door only to find them looki根据首字母填空I opened the door only to find them looking at e_ other silently. I find the door openopen是看作宾补,还是door的定语,还是状语,为什么请依次分析 I can't find Linda.Oh,she'e ______the door.该怎么填写? i can't find the key__front door A in B of C to i can't find the key__front door.A in B of C to I can't find Yao Fang.He must be ( ) the door.填介词 英语关于help的用法I helped him find his father能用 I helped him to find his father .When I passed by his door,I heard him _____________.A、singB、 第3