smtp error ,rcpt to:550 unknown 邮件总是被退回 系统退信后显示 我该怎样才可以发邮件

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:02:57
smtp error ,rcpt to:550 unknown 邮件总是被退回 系统退信后显示 我该怎样才可以发邮件
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smtp error ,rcpt to:550 unknown 邮件总是被退回 系统退信后显示 我该怎样才可以发邮件
smtp error ,rcpt to:550 unknown
邮件总是被退回 系统退信后显示 我该怎样才可以发邮件

smtp error ,rcpt to:550 unknown 邮件总是被退回 系统退信后显示 我该怎样才可以发邮件
1.没有这个收件人:退信提示信息一般为:invalid address (#5.5.0)或者User unknown或者user is not found等等.请核对对方email地址是否正确,或者有没有变动.一般是邮件地址@前面的部分填写有错,请核对无误后给对方发送.
2.没有这个主机:退信提示信息一般为:Sorry,I couldn't find any host named原因一般是对方邮件地址@后面的部分有错误,比如把@sina.com写成,另外也有可能是对方服务器有问题或者中间线路有问题,如果名字核对无误,您只能让对方解决.
3.对方邮箱已满退信提示信息一般为:receiptor's mailbox is full (#5.5.4)或者Quota exceed the hard limit for user原因对方邮箱超过了允许的容量,您只能让对方清空邮箱后再接收
4.对方服务器拒绝接收新浪邮件退信提示信息一般为:Recipient address rejected:Relay access denied或者552 Error:content rejected原因是对方邮件服务器将新浪邮件屏蔽掉了,您最好通过其他邮箱和对方邮件管理员联系,说明情况,解除屏蔽就可以了.或者换一个其他的邮箱和对方联系.
5.您发给对方的信件大小超过了对方允许的范围退信提示信息一般为:552 Message size exceeds fixed limit原因是您的邮件太大,超过对方邮件大小限制,请减小后从新发送
6.对方服务器忙退信提示信息:无法建立SMTP连接- Sorry,I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection.(#4.4.1)或者550 System is busy.原因是对方某一台收件服务器当时正处在繁忙之中造成的,解决方法是您给对方从新发送一次,最好同一封信件发送两次,收到的几率应该大一点.

SMTP error,RCPT TO:554 :Relay access “ SMTP error,RCPT TO:550 Invalid smtp error ,rcpt to:550 unknown 邮件总是被退回 系统退信后显示 我该怎样才可以发邮件 SMTP error,RCPT TO:550 Invalid User我在发邮时被退回,出现这样的字样, SMTP error,RCPT TO:550 Invalid User还有一个问题 SMTP error,DOT:550 Requested action not taken:mail aEBwBsRYx0OP_foF.9702S2 is rejected,mx6,FNG请赐教 SMTP error,RCPT TO:550 Domain does not exist; please check your spelling.Le domaine n'existe pas ; veuillez verifier votre epellation.El dominio no existe; compruebe por favor su deletreo. 英语翻译host[] said:550 5.2.1 The email account that you tried to reach is disabled.u12si3127416tia.3 (in reply to RCPT TO command). (in reply to RCPT TO command). 550 unknown user (in reply to RCPT TO command). (in reply to RCPT TO command). 这几行英语说的是什么含义?This message is generated by COREMAIL email system.I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message SMTP error,DOT:553 Mail data refused by AISP,rule [6535799]. 550 the rcpt account is invalid (in reply to RCPT TO command)来自E-MIAL的退信是什么意思呢? error 1310.error writing to 发邮件不成功这是什么意思?452 4.2.2 Over quota (in reply to RCPT TO command)452 4.2.2 Over quota (in reply to RCPT TO command) 英语翻译Hi.This is the smtp delivery program.I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.This is a permanent error; I've given up.Sorry it didn't work out.,sorry,no mailbox here by that name.(#5.1.1)--- Below this 这句话是什麼意思? SMTP error,DOT:552 This user's disk quota exceeded,anyway you can send a smail ( said:550 5.1.1 No such user (in reply to RCPT TO command).我不懂这些英文 553 This target address is not our MX service client in reply to RCPT TO command翻译