
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 10:44:53
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这个是我自己编的,名字暂时用ABCDEF代替 A::HI!Nice weather,isn't it?
B:sure is!I can't wait to have our picnic !hi,C ,what do you have in your basket ,it looks so full !
C:It's my favourite !look !I get fried chips fried chicken ,coca-cola and hamburgers!I already can't wait to eat them !
D:en~they do look tasty !when we arrive ,can I have one
C:of course !I 'm happy you like them !
D:THANKS !my parents never let me eat those kind of food ,so I always want to have a try
E:YOU know ,your parents are right ,this kind of food is really bad for your health that's why they are called junk food
F :YEAH my little brother likes thoses food and he always catch cold !and he's fat too !
A;I think you shouldn't eat too much that ,C,think for your body you really need to lose weight now~
C:I know but I just can't help it !they taste so yummy !
D yeah~that's why they 're still so popular even when everyone knows they lack nutrition !
B i think a good eating habbit could help you .If you eat regular meals ,like fresh rice and vegetables ,you will soon lose interest in these kind of junk !
C Thanks !I shall try !now let's go ,we 're going to be late
ABCDEF;let's go

A: what a nice day today!
Others agrees: yeah/yes
B: I brought a lot of foods so we can share!
C: what do you have?
B: Oh i got chips, fried chicken, burgers and ...
A stops B: the...


A: what a nice day today!
Others agrees: yeah/yes
B: I brought a lot of foods so we can share!
C: what do you have?
B: Oh i got chips, fried chicken, burgers and ...
A stops B: these are all junk foods!
B: I know, but they are so yammy, i can't resist the smell of it!
C: they still are junk foods, not good for ur health
D: yes, B, don't eat too much of these deep fried stuff, full of fat!
E: And, too much saturated fat may cause you a series of health problems, for example, obesity, heart disease, and even cancer!
B: Really?
E: Of course, you should eat more vegetables and fruits instead of these.
F: I haven't had fast foods for over a month by now
B: What do you eat then?
F: homemade foods! Junk foods sold in shops contain much more calories, and vegetables have lots vitamins that cannot be found in meat, so they are healthy foods.
C: True, B, it's time for u to change ur diet!


There was a sunny day when six person were on a picnic.One of them took some junk food like French Fries,fried chicken and hamburgers.let's suppose the man is called 'Mark',the others are Anna,Tom,Ton...


There was a sunny day when six person were on a picnic.One of them took some junk food like French Fries,fried chicken and hamburgers.let's suppose the man is called 'Mark',the others are Anna,Tom,Tony and Jack. Anna:Hi,Mark!You probably know that eating too much junk food like this may do harm to your body. Mark:But it tastes really good and I do not want to leave them .' Tom:But it is actually junk food,If you eat too much of it,you will lose your balance of diet. Tony:Exactly.It is reported that fired foods are likely lead to cancer.You'd better not to eat them any longer. Jack:I think that we should eat much more vegetables and fruits instead of junk food,which would contribute to our bodies. Mark:Yeah.Now I realize that junk food is harmful ,while vegetables and fruits are benefit. 请楼主看看,怎么样?


用英文些一段对话,题目是怎么注意你的健康,最好是4个人的对话,已对话的形式些出来,单词不要太难,本人英语真的不好,麻烦一下了, 用英文些一段对话,题目是怎么注意你的健康,最好是6个人的对话,已对话的形式些出来,单词不要太难,本人英语真的不好,麻烦一下了,意思大概是这样的,在一个天气晴好的日子里,6个人去野餐, 跪求一段关于健康和财富哪个更重要的的英文对话在线等一段关于健康和财富哪个更重要的英文对话 求一篇关于健康的英语三人的情景对话、注意、是关于健康的、谢谢 写一段关于健康的英语对话是对话的 不是句子 假如你是jim.写一段和mike的电话对话.不少于十句.(英文) 预定Pisa的英文对话,怎么表达希望,大家来帮忙,预定或者,Pisa的英文对话教一段,买Pisa时用的对话,谢谢. 注意眼睛健康英文怎么翻译 “仅仅是吃得健康是不够的”用英文怎么表达? 高分求写一段英语对话!3个人的对话...不用太长...加起来不要超过7分钟...主题是H1N1的爆发和由此引发的健康问题.最低给200分..只要写的好..分数你提...谢谢.. 写一段关于健康生活习惯的英语对话 你遇到一个来自加拿大的新校友,为此编一段英文对话是写一个英语小短文哦 明天是妈妈的生日,爸爸和你商量买什么礼物,编一段英语对话我是初二的,帮我编一段英语对话,不同太长,题目(明天是妈妈的生日,爸爸和你商量买什么礼物) 急,求英文食物对话.三人的对话.谈论健康食物的英文对话! 祝福你健康幸福的英文怎么讲? 健康的身体用英文怎么读 编写一段英语对话,内容是:“你的好朋友生病了,你打电话去安慰他/她”(题目可以自拟). 饮食与健康英语对话要一段英文简短对话,内容是饮食与健康,不要太复杂,贴近生活,两个人的话没人7句左右就可以啦.