1prefer to do sth rather than do sth.和2.would do sth rather than do sth中,(rather )than do sth 还是其他成分?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:29:30
1prefer to do sth rather than do sth.和2.would do sth rather than do sth中,(rather )than do sth 还是其他成分?
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1prefer to do sth rather than do sth.和2.would do sth rather than do sth中,(rather )than do sth 还是其他成分?
1prefer to do sth rather than do sth.和2.would do sth rather than do sth中,(rather )than do sth 还是其他成分?

1prefer to do sth rather than do sth.和2.would do sth rather than do sth中,(rather )than do sth 还是其他成分?
在英语中,表示“偏爱”、“优先”、“更喜欢”、“更可取”或“宁愿”等意思时,可用prefer,would rather和rather than来表达.三个词之间在表达和用法上的异同如下:(—)rather than ①rather than必须连接两个平行结构,即并联两个词(如名词、代词),两个动词不定式或并联两个短语或分句.如:John ought to go rather than Mary. 约翰比玛丽更应该去.②当rather than并联两个动词不定式时,后一个动词不定式一般省略to(在比较正式的文体中也可以保留to).如:In China,it is important to invest in education rather than(to)increase personal wages. 在中国,优先投资教育比增加个人工资重要.(二)prefer ①prefer之后用动名词结构表示一般性偏爱,强调一种事实或一件事.如:l like swimming,but I prefer sailing. 我喜欢游泳,但更喜欢航行.②当prefer之后带两个动词不定式表示“偏爱…胜过…”时,用rather than连接.Rather than之后可以有两种结构:省略to的动词不定式和动词的ing形式.如:1 would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive out. 我宁愿在家度周末,而不愿意开车出门.③当prefer之后带两个名词或动名词结构表示“偏爱…胜过…”时,常用介词to连接两个部分,也可以用rather than连接.如:I prefer watching TV to reading books. 我宁可看电视,也不愿意看书.④prefer之后可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语.如:I don’t prefer people to smoke here. 我不喜欢有人在这儿抽烟.⑤prefer之后带从句时,其用法与would rather带从句的用法相同.如:I’d prefer that you did not go there alone. 我希望你不要一个人到那里去.(三)would rather ①would rather是固定习惯用语,可用于任何人称,其简略形式是 ’d rather.would rather之后直接带省略to的动词不定式.如:Would you rather stay at home or go out with me?你愿意呆在家里,还是愿意跟我出门?②would rather还可以与than连用,构成“would rather+省略to的不定式+than+省略to的不定式”结构.如:Tom would rather read than talk.=Tom prefers reading to talking. 汤姆喜爱读书胜过与人交谈.③would rather之后带从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在或将来的意义,用过去完成式表示过去的意义.如:I’d rather she had repaired her car last night.=I wish she had repaired her car last night. 但愿她昨晚就把车修好了.④一般来说.would rather之后跟动词原形表达的意思是“偏爱,宁愿”,但如果其后跟动词hope,think,like,enjoy和have等时,would rather则含有“很,非常”的意思.请比较:I’d rather like reading.我很喜欢读书.I’m not sure,but I’d rather think so.我没有十分把握,但认为很可能如此.