英语翻译2.6 SummaryIn Section 2.2,corrosion mechanism is reviewed.The phases of corrosion are reviewed in Section 2.3.For the initiation of corrosion,carbonation and/or chloride concentration can cause corrosion; however,carbonation can be disreg

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:59:59
英语翻译2.6 SummaryIn Section 2.2,corrosion mechanism is reviewed.The phases of corrosion are reviewed in Section 2.3.For the initiation of corrosion,carbonation and/or chloride concentration can cause corrosion; however,carbonation can be disreg
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英语翻译2.6 SummaryIn Section 2.2,corrosion mechanism is reviewed.The phases of corrosion are reviewed in Section 2.3.For the initiation of corrosion,carbonation and/or chloride concentration can cause corrosion; however,carbonation can be disreg
2.6 Summary
In Section 2.2,corrosion mechanism is reviewed.The phases of corrosion are reviewed in Section 2.3.For the initiation of corrosion,carbonation and/or chloride concentration can cause corrosion; however,carbonation can be disregarded in this study since carbonation and ingress of chloride ions may not occur at the same time.This can be explained by the fact that the rate of carbonation is the highest when relative humidity is approximately 40% to 80%,while the ingress of chloride ions has the highest rate when concrete is saturated.In addition,in practical situations,chloride-induced corrosion is more severe than carbonation-induced corrosion.
In Section 2.3,the governing Equation of diffusion of chloride ions is reviewed.A closed-form formula for a one-dimensional problem of diffusion is also reviewed and it is utilized in Chapter 8.It is found that the concentration at the surface of concrete depends on the distance from the coastline.The diffusion coefficient of sound concrete needs to be treated as a random variable (see Table 2.3.2).The propagation of corrosion and the visibility of corrosion are also studied in the same section.For the propagation of corrosion,a procedure suggested by Stewart is utilized in this study.The time for the visibility of corrosion can be defined as the time when cracking due to corroded steel appears on the surface of concrete.Three cracking modes are considered and the corresponding theoretical Equations for the time for cracking due to corroded steel are also studied in Section 2.3.
The effect of crack width on corrosion is considered in Section 2.4.The requirement for cover depth in the AASHTO LRFD code is also presented in Section 2.4.
In this study,50.8mm (2 inch) and 76.2mm (3 inch) are used for prestressed concrete bridge girders and for diffusion analysis.In Section 2.5,the formulation of finite element analysis (FEA) for diffusion problem is reviewed.Various boundary conditions are also studied.Corrosion of steel is generalized for the analysis in Section 2.5.

英语翻译2.6 SummaryIn Section 2.2,corrosion mechanism is reviewed.The phases of corrosion are reviewed in Section 2.3.For the initiation of corrosion,carbonation and/or chloride concentration can cause corrosion; however,carbonation can be disreg
2.6摘要2.2节,腐蚀机理研究.相腐蚀综述2.3节.关于开始腐蚀,碳化和/或氯的浓度可引起腐蚀; 不过,碳化可以无视这项研究自碳化及浸入氯离子可能不会出现在同一 时间.这可以解释的是,碳化率最高的时候,相对湿度约为 40%至80%,而浸入氯离子的拥有率最高,当混凝土浸透.此外,在实际情况下,氯化铵腐蚀更为严重,比碳化腐蚀.在2.3节,理事方程扩散氯离子的检讨.一个封闭形式的计算公式为一维问题的扩散,还审查,它是利用在第8章.结果发现,浓度在混凝土表面,取决于距海岸线.扩散系数健全具体的需要当作一个随机变量(见表2.3.2).繁殖腐蚀和知名度腐蚀还研究了在同一组.用于繁殖的腐蚀,程序建议stewart是利用这项研究.当时的能见度腐蚀可以定义为当开裂蚀出现 在混凝土表面.3裂解模式也考虑了相应的理论方程式时间裂缝腐蚀钢 还研究了2.3节.影响裂缝宽度的腐蚀是在第2.4.要求埋深在aashtolrfd典也是在第240.在这项研究中,50.8mm(2英寸)和76.2mm(3英寸)用于预应力混凝土桥梁和扩散分析.在第2.5,制定有限元(FEA)分析扩散问题的检讨.各边界条件也正在研究.腐蚀是广义的分析在第2.5.


在2.2节中,我们已经研究了腐蚀机理. 腐蚀的过程也在2.3节探讨过了. 关于开始腐蚀,碳化/氯化浓度可引起腐蚀;
不过, 碳化可以不考虑,因为自碳化和浸入氯离子可能不会出现在同一时间. 这可以这样一个事实来解释,碳化率最高的时候,而相对湿度约为 40%至80%,此时,在化合完全时,浸入氯离子也最多. 此外,在实际情况下,氯化腐蚀比碳化腐蚀更为严重.


在2.2节中,我们已经研究了腐蚀机理. 腐蚀的过程也在2.3节探讨过了. 关于开始腐蚀,碳化/氯化浓度可引起腐蚀;
不过, 碳化可以不考虑,因为自碳化和浸入氯离子可能不会出现在同一时间. 这可以这样一个事实来解释,碳化率最高的时候,而相对湿度约为 40%至80%,此时,在化合完全时,浸入氯离子也最多. 此外,在实际情况下,氯化腐蚀比碳化腐蚀更为严重.
在2.3节里面,主要的氯离子扩散方程也给出来了. 一维扩散问题的一个封闭形式的计算公式也发给出来了。它在第8章会有所利用. 结果发现,混凝土表面浓度取决于海岸线的距离. 实际应用中的扩散系数需要当作一个随机变量(见表2.3.2).
腐蚀扩散和腐蚀程度也在这一节得到了研究. 在繁殖的扩散时候我们将用到stewart提出的的建议.
当子混泥土的表面看到了由于钢材引起的腐蚀而出现的裂缝时,那么腐蚀就可见了。 3种裂解模式和相应的裂缝时间的理论方程式钢腐蚀也在2.3节中研究到. 腐蚀裂缝宽度的影响在第2.4节研究. 在这个研究中,要求埋深在aashtolrfd典也是在第240. 在这项研究中, 将使用50.8mm(2英寸)和76.2mm(3英寸)进行混凝土桥梁预先受力和扩散分析. 在第2.5节中,有限元(FEA)分析在扩散问题的等式也给出了. 各边界条件将讨论. 钢腐蚀是第2.5节中也提出来了.
