IQ题:一架车,经常在公主道出没,车主个名叫阿Rose ,What is the name of the car ,架车叫乜名?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:11:53
IQ题:一架车,经常在公主道出没,车主个名叫阿Rose ,What is the name of the car ,架车叫乜名?
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IQ题:一架车,经常在公主道出没,车主个名叫阿Rose ,What is the name of the car ,架车叫乜名?
IQ题:一架车,经常在公主道出没,车主个名叫阿Rose ,What is the name of the car ,架车叫乜名?

IQ题:一架车,经常在公主道出没,车主个名叫阿Rose ,What is the name of the car ,架车叫乜名?
What is the name of the car,从这里可以看到,车的名字是What

"what" is the name of the car!