读句子,找出错误选项并改正在横线上.1.Amy are older than Sarah.2.Line up from small to bigger.3.I'm two year older than you.4.How taller are you 5.Your neck is much long.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:40:18
读句子,找出错误选项并改正在横线上.1.Amy are older than Sarah.2.Line up from small to bigger.3.I'm two year older than you.4.How taller are you 5.Your neck is much long.
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读句子,找出错误选项并改正在横线上.1.Amy are older than Sarah.2.Line up from small to bigger.3.I'm two year older than you.4.How taller are you 5.Your neck is much long.
读句子,找出错误选项并改正在横线上.1.Amy are older than Sarah.2.Line up from small to bigger.
3.I'm two year older than you.
4.How taller are you
5.Your neck is much long.

读句子,找出错误选项并改正在横线上.1.Amy are older than Sarah.2.Line up from small to bigger.3.I'm two year older than you.4.How taller are you 5.Your neck is much long.
1.Amy (is) older than Sarah.
2.Line up from small to (big).3.I'm two (years) older than you.
4.How (tall) are you
5.Your neck is (longer).

3. year---years

1 are→is
2 bigger→big
3 year→years
4 talleryjtall
5 long→longer


如果有疑问及时追问下,如满意度与“当选答案”按钮,点击下面的感谢! O(∩_∩)O

2.Line小(大)。 3.I'M 2(年)年纪比你大。

找出下面句子错误的选项,并改在横线上 找出下面句子中的错误,并改正在横线上.My birthday is at December 1 th.__________________________________________________________是11 读句子,找出错误选项并改正在横线上.1.Amy are older than Sarah.2.Line up from small to bigger.3.I'm two year older than you.4.How taller are you 5.Your neck is much long. 找出句子中错误选项填入括号内,并在题后横线上改正 读句子,找出句中错误的单词,并改正在句中的横线上.We like play computer games very much.( )My brother have sixteen nice pictures .( )Liu Ying often watch TV in the evening.( ) 画出句子中的错误并改在横线上 找出句子的错误选项,并改正 找出错误,并在横线上改正 下面的单词各有一处错误,用横线标出并改正在横线上centimiter -------splended------intresting-------difforent-------qestion------godess-------- 让找出下面句子中的错误,并在横线上改正? He wathers the cartoon movies on CCTV every day._______(找出错误,并订正在横线上) 找出错误的句子填在括号里并改正在横线上()1,I read a interesting storybook yesterday .————————.—— --- ————A B C ()2.l will go to Guanzhou to see my grandma with my family yesterday.------------- ----- 找出错误的句子填在括号里并改正在横线上( )1,I read a interesting storybook yesterday .————————.—— --- ————A B C ()2.l will go to Guanzhou to see my grandma with my family yesterday.------------- ----- 找出各句中的错误并改写在横线上.1.---Is it your pen?----yes,its.________________2.He is in class Nine,Grade Seven._________________________】 读一读,找出句子中错误的选项并改正 找出句中的错误并在横线上改正. 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在提前的括号内,并将正确答案写在横线上. 在下面的句子在语言表达方面存在错误,请找出并改正在2010年上海世博会开幕式上,中外艺术家联袂登台,奉献了一台美轮美奂的大型文艺晚会