I couldn't really see or hear the guide(肯定句)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 00:36:55
I couldn't really see or hear the guide(肯定句)
xWMS+a8,*ozUYMUBnc0bۙ &!0 6;,3X1mr5S.fO,.=y&J(_?q69lxGŭ0b)MeqaڌCyu|YgxybqoE/7_G1U`DVr长V[ 1G˙7R㏹=Lc&N{ >b(%V嬿RoRgÈ] `b9.b[~ 9nsD9C/ØmpSڮU qufvxeP0`a[D RKX: "= yOh\],#h n]#zó6f,-ٜBcOᲘm%ADbdQ.HZu:uFaxeQ."auT3K.嘝NJh' H w88Lg`(-9&EXQ2ጅ-)< |`s>`w=_oy-]tQ*.ؕKlr=pm]|*#0TBOh e&UNX#$ rBUoJX‚X4ۛ*W3ZEUOT 7}%!(#^u]OveNࢭ []bSZj >ʝY6awZh}h 7A< ˕3uz. 0/q&D9Xt b:11ܴm lQ itY|JS&͡a2܁aҦx65t(Aqþe]7>D+7ѱގ|Co2^k˧A_WgKT5qBM8gu"O1OD+3]}\+*ȍuQ22F5Q\P}q~H iZ1-\ dI,J&|;j6춰RW5| lu $L8g@ڿi;eG`GణkGEFT<^/Ei)cD=X(9Mc } M  :7QeZICgIw"NAUŇ_̡oҎ@ۭvMsZDMv'H2Ufc ASjH> 2jACW fNRڰ8sf_?ƒ c4pц1A:1yy_wWO؉DF_`H;9AAD$f 1,y͞ ΢l0W 5d U6ctat HU!8 Xy 1ݗNW\RKx۷hva7¦:*fs.gٿxi

I couldn't really see or hear the guide(肯定句)
I couldn't really see or hear the guide(肯定句)

I couldn't really see or hear the guide(肯定句)
I could hardly see or hear the guide.

I couldn't really see or hear the guide(肯定句)
I could really see and hear the guide.

i can hardly see or hear the guide
hardly用法(用于修正作出的陈述)几乎不,几乎没有例句:I hardly know you...我不太认识你。Nick, on the sofa, hardly slept...尼克在沙发上几乎没睡。He was given hardly 24 hours to pack his bags...只给了他不到24小时...


i can hardly see or hear the guide
hardly用法(用于修正作出的陈述)几乎不,几乎没有例句:I hardly know you...我不太认识你。Nick, on the sofa, hardly slept...尼克在沙发上几乎没睡。He was given hardly 24 hours to pack his bags...只给了他不到24小时的时间来打点行装。几乎不;几乎没有例句:We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish...我们每晚吃炸薯条,但几乎从不吃鱼。Most of the others were so young they had hardly any experience...其他人大多都很年轻,几乎没什么经验。Hardly anyone slept that night.那天晚上几乎没人睡觉。(用在否定句中是某事经常发生)几乎不例句:Hardly a day goes by without a visit from someone.几乎每天都有人来。(用于can之后,表示强调)很难例句:I can hardly believe it's been over eight years since you used to go camping at Cedar Creek...我几乎无法相信现在距离你过去常常去松溪露营的日子已经有8年多了。My garden was covered with so many butterflies that I could hardly see the flowers.我的花园里飞舞着很多蝴蝶,我几乎看不见花了。(表示两件事情紧接着发生)刚刚,才例句:He had hardly collected the papers on his desk when the door burst open...他刚收起桌上的文件,门就猛地开了。Hardly had he returned to London when an anonymous well-wisher called to say he was about to be raided by Customs & Excise.他刚回到伦敦,就有一个不愿透露姓名的好心人打来电话说,他即将面临海关的突击检查。(表示希望听者或读者赞同自己)并不例句:We have not seen the letter, so we can hardly comment on it...我们还没有看到这封信,所以无从发表意见。It's hardly surprising his ideas didn't catch on...他的想法没有被广泛接受,这并不足为奇。The growth rate for 1980-89 was 2.2%. Hardly the stuff of economic miracles.1980至1989年间的经济增长率是2.2%,算不上什么经济奇迹。(尤用于对不赞同的说法表示惊奇)不可能例句:“They all thought you were marvellous” —“Well, hardly.”...“他们都认为你很棒!”“哦,不可能吧!”'We could almost have seen it,' — 'Hardly, darling — in the dark and from a distance of a good hundred feet?'“我们几乎都看到它了。”“不会吧,亲爱的——天那么黑,离得又至少有100英尺呢!”


I can bearly see or hear the guide.