大一作文The personality traits about the person you admire most

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 06:44:50
大一作文The personality traits about the person you admire most
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大一作文The personality traits about the person you admire most
大一作文The personality traits about the person you admire most

大一作文The personality traits about the person you admire most
I wish I could say there was one person that I admire the most,but
truth us there are more than one.One person that comes to mind the most
beleive it or not is Angelina Jolie.A celebirty is a funny one to
admire...But what i admire of her is the dedication that she has to the
causes that are true to her.Now that can mean anything and some people
might say that she is just another celebirty in search of recognition.
But what I see is someone that has used her celebirty for the betterment
of others in ways that are more than superficial.Unlike Madonna and
others she has worked hard and has spent days at a time if not weeks in
places like afganistan and Leone for her cause.She has given without
condition and as a result of it has given a home to children that
otherwise would not have another chance.So I admire her as a true
humanitarian.If fame follows her it is truely because we cannot get
enough of her and not because she invites it.