请问throw up her she threw up her arms and turned angrily to me.请问 throw up one's arms

请问throw up her she threw up her arms and turned angrily to me.请问 throw up one's arms 求翻译:because she couldn't make up her mind She busied herself tidying up her desk.请问tidying up her desk做什么成分? She can't make up her mind,can she?怎么回答肯定,Yes,she can't.否定,NO,she can. She has made up her mind that she won't do that agian 的同义句 1.She ate some bad fish and——on her way home.A. threw up B. throw away C. threw off D. threw out She can't _______ mind,can she?a.make up its b. make up her c.make up with her d.do with麻烦说一下为什么? 请问这句话中broke up 的意思?I can't remember at which point she broke up.I can only remember the change of her face when she parted. she doesn't get on with her boss so she wants to give up her job这句是啥子意思哦? p33 When Judy comes to pick her up,she doesn't want to leave. Don't wake her up.she's shound____(asleep)适当形式填空 请问The shadows concealed her as she crept up to the house. 怎么翻译? give up and get up ,She is gone,forever.you can't find her,you must give up and get up now. 18、 She whispered to her husband,________ she wouldn’t wake up the sleeping baby.A、forB、abutC、sothatD、although she couldn't find her She was trying to hide her joy .But can't you see that faint smile ( ) her face?A.light B.lighting C.lighting up D.lit up throw her flowers over her Lucy can't find ( )booK.Let's help (Lucy can't find ( )booK.Let's help ( ).A.her,her B.her,hersC.her,she请问选择哪一次