写了句英文,这句含that的主语从句是否正确,that是否可以省略,求指导!When it comes to me,however,(that) finding some good friends to go together is the most important matter.请问以上句式是否正确。that如果不省正确

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 06:14:54
写了句英文,这句含that的主语从句是否正确,that是否可以省略,求指导!When it comes to me,however,(that) finding some good friends to go together is the most important matter.请问以上句式是否正确。that如果不省正确
xSrP~Ng2 Pt%,H6_A%BOQw$&ؙэ͹眛'Og){Y}5R2uQʁYo-8ColݱNKYg~AVGJN,U!9Q*ObA˫-INKr1d%M (ߌf0IN)D啂UKXX g#68JV`0)A/ Q~yjDu]·|2/]D}˭6u-O!U-^AYz+<|m:9Y@|֮wl]4{_|` 13`7Y3^Mf]j\1p8!T:SVk\r?ѭ&֤n'OB_aU{؁38SdX]׆;ꗦP1}.4#ԝ1o:չY>z1ND?\Z.5b? 雼iYpTo9EpiO *vPl+B@`U g,4B

写了句英文,这句含that的主语从句是否正确,that是否可以省略,求指导!When it comes to me,however,(that) finding some good friends to go together is the most important matter.请问以上句式是否正确。that如果不省正确
When it comes to me,however,(that) finding some good friends to go together is the most important matter.

写了句英文,这句含that的主语从句是否正确,that是否可以省略,求指导!When it comes to me,however,(that) finding some good friends to go together is the most important matter.请问以上句式是否正确。that如果不省正确
你写的这个句子中,finding some good friends to go together是个分词短语结构,前面不需要也不能加that.
that用于引导主语从句时,从句中应该有完整的句子结构,因此如果你要在你的句子中用that,可以将这个分词短语结构改成that I find some good friends to go together,而且记住主语从句中的that是不能省略的.

LL可不可以给一下中文= =
因为我觉得that根本没必要加= =
这好像不是从句吧= =


写了句英文,这句含that的主语从句是否正确,that是否可以省略,求指导!When it comes to me,however,(that) finding some good friends to go together is the most important matter.请问以上句式是否正确。that如果不省正确 it is.that.句型的含义该句型的含义是否就是如下2种:1.强调句2.主语从句,以it为形式主语. 主语+beb so adj that+从句be to blame forabsorb sth intobecome interseted inbe determimed to doit seemed that+从句看你们的了第一句是主语+be so adj that+从句 It is high time that they started out.他们该动身了.请问这是定语从句 强调句还是主语从句如何快速区分这样的句子 名词性主语从句讲解主语从句~~~形式主语~~~与强调句定语从句的区别~~ that 引导的主语从句(主语+谓语)+谓语 求一个英文句子,它包括了主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句、表语从句及同位语从句至少一个.求的是一个复合句。 对主语从句的理解.对于that引导的主语从句置于句首的情况,如把that去掉,而谓语就会多,所以t对主语从句的理解.对于that引导的主语从句置于句首的情况,如把that去掉,而谓语就会多,所以that不 强调句与主语从句的区别 whether引导的主语从句5句 i am afraid this green dress is too small for me as well这个句子不是宾语从句吗 当从句的主语是this时 that 不能省略(薄冰上写的)为什么这句的that省略了这句子是新概念上的句子 英语初三判断句子成分 It is the band which gets everyone dancing .这是个定语从句还是it 作形式上的主语?如果是定语从句可以把which改为that 如果改为that不就成了强调句了吗? An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved.此句中表语从句的that省略了吗?如果真的可以省略,是因为表语从句中的主语从句what someone believes 吗? 主语从句 引导句 it was arranged that 主语从句还是宾语从句?It was arranged that she leave tomorrow 是宾语从句还是主语从句?It is rrquired that factory stop pollutng 是主语从句 ,看起来差不多 为啥书上写第一句是宾语从句? 主语从句如果对表语进行强调,怎么用强调句?it 做形式主语的主语从句和强调句相比,如果that后面的从句不完整,那一定是强调句,但是如果that从句是完整的,一定是主语从句吗?如果一个不用形 It is no wonder you were late.这句中为什么后面的主语从句省略了that?主语从句不是不可以省略that吗? That 放句首的主语从句,那不是变得头重脚轻了吗?能不能改成It be 强调部分 that +主语从句?请举例