I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:07:57
I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问)
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I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问)
I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问)

I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问)
What are you doing in the playground?(用on更好吧,原句如此么?)

what are you doing in the playgroud?

What are you doing in the playground?

I'm playing game and I'm playing the game 有什么区别? i’m playing with the baby .playing with the baby 对它提问快快 I'm playing football in the playground.提问 I'm playing in the park的问句是什么? I'm playing in the park 提问句 3.I’m playing the football in the playground .I’m playing the football in the playground .(对in the playground 提问) 用适当冠词(a an the 不用填用|表示)1.is it ( )pen of ( )eraser?2.i don't know ( )girl‘s name.3.( )book on the in mine.4.sue is ( ) english girl.5.there is ( ) egg on the table ,and( )egg is big.6.i like playing ( ) foo I'm good at playing the piano.(否定句) I_____ ______ good at playing the piano. No,I'm not.I am playing the piano now.的问句是什么? I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问.) I'm playing the football in the playground.(变为一般疑问句) I`m (playing the football)in the playground.(对括号里的部分提问) I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)划线是I'm 到底是Who is playing.?还是Who are playing.?这个句子变成一般疑问句,是Am I..?还是Are you.? I'm playing football.对playing football提问 怎么写? i'm playing football (in the playground) tom isi'm playing football (in the playground)tom is (reading books )in his study对括号提问. I'm going to playing the piano tomorrow 这个句子有错么? I‘m piaying football in the piayground对划线部分提问 划线部分为playing football I am().playing football playing the football play football