他们结婚20多年了 They have ----- ----- for over twenty years 还有一道题:根据年龄把我们分成了两个组We were ------ into two groups ------ to our ages

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 05:13:37
他们结婚20多年了 They have ----- ----- for over twenty years 还有一道题:根据年龄把我们分成了两个组We were ------ into two groups ------ to our ages
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他们结婚20多年了 They have ----- ----- for over twenty years 还有一道题:根据年龄把我们分成了两个组We were ------ into two groups ------ to our ages
他们结婚20多年了 They have ----- ----- for over twenty years
We were ------ into two groups ------ to our ages

他们结婚20多年了 They have ----- ----- for over twenty years 还有一道题:根据年龄把我们分成了两个组We were ------ into two groups ------ to our ages
补充问题的答案是:we were (divided ) into two groups (according) to our ages.

been married

got married
divided into

他们已经结婚十多年了.汉译英 他们结婚20多年了 They have ----- ----- for over twenty years 还有一道题:根据年龄把我们分成了两个组We were ------ into two groups ------ to our ages 他们结婚十年了 They have been married for ten years 为什么要用have been 给爸爸妈妈结婚纪念日祝福语爸爸妈妈结婚20多年了!他们的结婚纪念日快到了!请朋友们帮帮忙!给写几句祝福语!想以短信的方式祝福他们! 薄冰:They will have been married for 20 years by then.到那时他们结婚将有二十年了.1:will have been+过去分词是什么结构?2:为什么不是 will have married3:为什么使用by 4:为什么使用for 他们结婚了 是用They got married 不能说They married They were married 可以不?(be married这个形式)恩.have been 现在完成 ,不过我只强调动作发生在过去.呵呵.这里选用那个? 他们下个月将要庆祝他们结婚20周年 they will celebrate their _______next month 他们结婚2年了 英语怎么说啊?they got married two yearsthey were married two yearsthey have been married for two years这3个句子 那个合适啊? 他们结婚了吗是do they get married 还是are thay get married还是其它的? 英语翻译还有就是 当他们2008年结婚的时候,搬进了这所公寓.i have known him 3years ago.对吗还是 for 3yearswhen they got married in 2008.they have moved to the new flat.刚学现完.不对正确的应是神马的 两个句子的时态和区别.原句:他们结婚两年了.1. They have been married for two years.2. They have married for two years.我知道第一个句子是对的,我明白这个句子应该用现在完成时态去表示,但是不明白为什 他们结婚十年了 用mariage造句 How long have you been married? 你们结婚多久了?还有这一句 They've been divorced. 他们已离婚了.married和divorced都是形容词,也可以是动词marry和divorce的过去分词形式.为什么不直接说成How long have you married 他们感冒了用英文怎么说?They have a headache 还是They have headaches什么情况下用headaches how long have they been dating和how long have they dated?区别?how long have they dated?也不一定以后他们就不date了啊? 他们感冒了,用英语怎么说?They have a cold ?还是They have cold .have a cold 可以理解为动词短语吗? 他们已经工作整整一个星期了.They have been working for__________ _______ ________ They have gone to ()()()他们去买东西了三个括号里应该填什么?