
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:06:03
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大家看了不要吓跑.只要挑着翻译就OK了 有几句就几句 看的懂就行

Chinese characters,a form of writing that’s over 6000 years old,are the tools used for recording in the Chinese language.It is also one of the world’s most commonly-used and ancient text.
Throughout human history,we ,as a species,have built glorious empires and accumulated rich cultural knowledge through millennium of toil and experiments.History and knowledge have only survived because of the existence of writing.Therefore,as the solemn tool for recording,preserving,and distributing knowledge——
Writing,must be commemorated as a key contributor to the evolution,development and advancement of human civilization.
Chinese —— as the mother tongue of a great nation —— has become the most commonly used modern language.It is a symbol and pride of eastern civilization.It is used to name and classify all things in the world,as well as to carry the information in a precise and accurate fashion.In its entirety,Chinese includes thousands of common characters and tens of thousands of phrase,most of which originate from ancient dynasties.
Modern Chinese is derived from ancient Chinese and have been enriched (and modified) as it pass down generations,but this enrichment occurs unevenly in different regions.Thus,many local dialects are created.However,out of the many dialects,modern Chinese is mostly based on the language of Northern China.With the Beijing dialect as its pronunciation foundation and the classic PaiHua literature as its grammar standard,Mandarin has become the official language of China.This article aims to describe the form and usage of Mandarin PinYin,a set of Chinese phonetic spelling.

the chinese is the character which record the language of Chinese,and owns the history of about 6,000 years. it is the language which has the most people to use, and one of the oldest languages.


the chinese is the character which record the language of Chinese,and owns the history of about 6,000 years. it is the language which has the most people to use, and one of the oldest languages.
during the long time practise, human beings have created both glorious history and richful cultural knowledge, and both of them can exist till today with the help of character. as the tool of recording, saving and spreading knowledge, character contributes too much to human beings' progress, society promotion.
Chinese Character, as the mother tongue of a nation, is the biggest branch in the prevailing linguistics system. is is a symbol and fruit of oriental civilization, is a system used by human to define eventhing exactly. it consists of thousands of single character and handreds of thousands of words.
modern Chinese character is stemmed from ancient Chinese Character and becomming richful day by day. however, due to its imbalance in regions, there are many dialects appear. the diverse modern Chinese Character is on the basis of Northern dialects, and considers Peking tone as the standard, and put the grammical rules of typical plain words to Putong Hua. and this article's relevant narrations uses the chinese charater tones as the standard.


Chinese characters are recorded in Chinese characters, it already has about Liu Qiannian history, it is the world's most populous language to use is the world's one of the oldest text.
Mankind in...


Chinese characters are recorded in Chinese characters, it already has about Liu Qiannian history, it is the world's most populous language to use is the world's one of the oldest text.
Mankind in the long-term practice, not only created a brilliant history and has accumulated a tremendous wealth of cultural knowledge, they rely on the text to be preserved. As a record, preserve, disseminate knowledge, tools - text, on the progress of human civilization and promoting social progress and development, and has played a non-buried contribution.
Chinese - as a nation the mother tongue, Chinese is the world's most popular language system inside a branch.
Is a symbol of Eastern civilization and achievements of mankind to accurately name and definition of all things is an important information carrier. System consists of thousands of tens of thousands of words commonly used words and idioms,
Modern Chinese from the ancient Chinese up the development of increasingly rich, but in the region is uneven, resulting in a lot of dialects, dialect differences are more common in modern Chinese language is a dialect of northern China-based dialect, with Beijing as the standard voice sound, to a model of written work as a grammar of modern standard Mandarin. This article describes both the use of Hanyu Pinyin Phonetic.


Chinese character ,which is one of the world's most popular and ancient language, is used to record chinese language.with a history of over six thousands years .
In the long-term practice of human...


Chinese character ,which is one of the world's most popular and ancient language, is used to record chinese language.with a history of over six thousands years .
In the long-term practice of humanity, which created splendid history, and has accumulated rich cultural knowledge and clinking they rely on words can be preserved. As the records, preserve, and dissemination of knowledge, the tools for the progress of human civilization and promoting social progress and development, have played an buried contribution.
Chinese -- as a nation language, Chinese language system in today's world is popular in one of the biggest branch.
Is a symbol of the eastern civilization, is used to define things accurately naming and an important carrier of information. System including thousands of common words and phrases of thousands of idioms
Modern Chinese is by ancient Chinese development and growing up, but in every region is not balanced and thus produced many dialects dialect differences between modern Chinese, and more on the north dialect based in Beijing dialect, for example, to voice BiaoZhunYin pai-hua works for the modern Chinese grammar standard mandarin. Based on Chinese phonetic spelling is described.


the chinese is the character which record the language of Chinese,and owns the history of about 6,000 years. it is the language which has the most people to use, and one of the oldest languages.


the chinese is the character which record the language of Chinese,and owns the history of about 6,000 years. it is the language which has the most people to use, and one of the oldest languages.
during the long time practise, human beings have created both glorious history and richful cultural knowledge, and both of them can exist till today with the help of character. as the tool of recording, saving and spreading knowledge, character contributes too much to human beings' progress, society promotion.
Chinese Character, as the mother tongue of a nation, is the biggest branch in the prevailing linguistics system. is is a symbol and fruit of oriental civilization, is a system used by human to define eventhing exactly. it consists of thousands of single character and handreds of thousands of words.
modern Chinese character is stemmed from ancient Chinese Character and becomming richful day by day. however, due to its imbalance in regions, there are many dialects appear. the diverse modern Chinese Character is on the basis of Northern dialects, and considers Peking tone as the standard, and put the grammical rules of typical plain words to Putong Hua. and this article's relevant narrations uses the chinese charater tones as the standard. Chinese character ,which is one of the world's most popular and ancient language, is used to record chinese language.with a history of over six thousands years .
In the long-term practice of humanity, which created splendid history, and has accumulated rich cultural knowledge and clinking they rely on words can be preserved. As the records, preserve, and dissemination of knowledge, the tools for the progress of human civilization and promoting social progress and development, have played an buried contribution.
Chinese -- as a nation language, Chinese language system in today's world is popular in one of the biggest branch.
Is a symbol of the eastern civilization, is used to define things accurately naming and an important carrier of information. System including thousands of common words and phrases of thousands of idioms
Modern Chinese is by ancient Chinese development and growing up, but in every region is not balanced and thus produced many dialects dialect differences between modern Chinese, and more on the north dialect based in Beijing dialect, for example, to voice BiaoZhunYin pai-hua works for the modern Chinese grammar standard mandarin. Based on


“汉字”为何不叫“中文字”“华文字”?而要叫“汉字”汉字”百科对“汉字”的描述:“汉字汉字是记录汉语的文字,它已有六千多年的历史,汉语是世界上使用人口最多的语言,汉字是世 英语翻译请帮忙用英语翻译以下,不要用翻译软件,汉字字体设计与民族文化的融合一、汉字的产生和发展汉字是记录汉语的文字,是中华民族语言文字的一种,也是我国应用最广泛的文字,它有 英语翻译中国共有80种以上语言,约30种常用字有7000个左右,共有汉字90000多个.汉语是我国使用人数最多的语言,也是世界上使用人数最多的语言.汉字是记录汉语的文字,已有6000年左右的历史.中 修改病句——汉字是用来记录汉语的文字 除了汉字还有什么可以记录汉语是还有那些“文字”记录汉语。这是川大汉语言文字复试提问的题目。具体什么还不清楚。敬请大师赐教 英语翻译汉字是记录汉语的文字,它已有六千年左右的历史,它是世界使用人口最多的语言,是世界上最古老的文字之一.人类在长期的实践中,既创造了光辉灿烂的历史,又积累了无比丰富的文化 汉字是记录汉语所使用的汉字这句话通顺么? 汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一.我国现存的最早文字是( )时期刻在( )上的( ),距今已有( )年 为什么中国的文字称汉语汉字是从那个朝代开始命名的 很美很难认的汉字有哪些汉字一般认不得,到它又是很美的文字… 关于汉字的填空汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一.我国现存的最早文字是___________时期刻在__________上的__________,距今已有__________年. 最早的汉语如何记录读音?我想知道最早的中国文字的读音是通过什么方式记录的呢?这个辅助记忆汉字的读音系统是谁建立的呢?该不是口耳相传的吧~小弟新来知道我可是把自己的积分都悬赏 古人是如何记录汉字发音的 用“文字”作开头,将下面这句话重组为一个长单句美索不达米亚的钉头字、埃及的圣书字、中美洲的玛雅字、中国的汉字都是意音文字,文字是从意音文字开始的,它成为记录文化的有效工具. 韩国的文字语言和汉字汉语有联系吗?怎么它受中国的影响比较少的?因为古代的时候它还是中国的附属国,但是为什么语言文字和文化受中国的影响到底大不大呢,古代的时候是个什么样的情况 韩日很多公众场合的文字有很多是汉字,好像汉字是公用文字,为什么? 李氏朝鲜用的文字是汉字,那么语言是什么?是汉语的一种方言吗? 为什么说汉字是表意体系的文字?到底和表音的文字有什么区别?