the brains are a dime a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 13:53:39
the brains are a dime a
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the brains are a dime a
the brains are a dime a

the brains are a dime a
如果一个人说某样东西“一毛钱能买一打”,他肯定认为这东西没什么稀罕、多得是、不值钱等等.A dime a dozen表达的正是这样一种意思.dime是美国的一角银币,所以显然这个惯用语主要用于美英.其实中文中完全可以并且也经常用“一毛一打”这样的语来表达这种普通、不稀罕的意思,只不过没有形成固定用法罢了.比如你的同桌突然拿了个明晃晃的项链对你喊道:“Look what I found!”,你瞥了一眼懒洋洋地说:“这有什么希奇,一毛钱一打的东西—假的!”那么就是“That's nothing special; those are a dime a dozen—it’s a fake!”又比如,如果你讨厌琼瑶的小说,就可以对那些正在看的朋友们劝一句:Romantic novels like these are a dime a dozen.学会了吧!

a dime a dozen多得很;不稀罕;不值钱;容易得到的;比比皆是的

the brains are a dime a Looking back,standing on the already dim lights are not In ------- dim light前面是否加the或a the dim sum bomb That fellow is clever,he has___.A brain B a brain C the brain D brains Human brains are just like l___ computer The sperm whales have a immense brain和 have brains这两个是通用的吗? return to mou three feet,you are still in the lights dim 别用翻译器翻译. 单选题 Boris has brains.In fact I doubt whether any单选题Boris has brains.In fact I doubt whether anyone in the class has ______IQ.A a high B a higher C the higherD the highest 求翻译,全文翻译Social websites harm children's brains: Chilling warning to parents from top neuroscientistBy David DerbyshireComments (150) Add to My Stories Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, That felllow is clever; he has _________.A.brain B.a brain C.the brain D.brains the man who has _____is fit for this job.A brain B a brain C brains 选哪个 That fellow is clever;he has ____.A.brain B.a brain C.the brain D.brains 选择哪个 为什么? I don't think she is the most beautiful _______ (type) of the five.A sewage plant is a please where the polluted water is _______ (clean) up.Electroinic brains are the machines that help in people's _______ (calulate) The mistakes in the articles mus the finging suggests our brains take in and integrate information from various senses to build a picture of our surroundings . VB中Dim A!是什么意思 Looking back,standing on the already dim lights are not you.为什么already 要放在the的后面. 麻烦英文高手看一道改错题What we all know,the bigger a man's muscles are,thestronger he is.Can it be considering then that the bigger brain a man has,the cleverer he is?The answet is not.There're weo aimals that have larger brains than man