排序组成句子 1.with a I me camera take am to going2.eggs they looking are for the 3.than sun moonthe the bigger is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:16:06
排序组成句子 1.with a I me camera take am to going2.eggs they looking are for the 3.than sun moonthe the bigger is
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排序组成句子 1.with a I me camera take am to going2.eggs they looking are for the 3.than sun moonthe the bigger is
排序组成句子 1.with a I me camera take am to going2.eggs they looking are for the 3.than sun moon
the the bigger is

排序组成句子 1.with a I me camera take am to going2.eggs they looking are for the 3.than sun moonthe the bigger is
1.I am going to take a camera with me.
2.They are looking for the eggs.
3.The sun is bigger than the moon.

1. I am going to take a camera with me.
2.They are looking for the eggs.
3.The sun is bigger than the moon.

1、I am going to take a camera with me
2、They are looking for the eggs
3、The sun is bigger than the moon

排序组成句子 1.with a I me camera take am to going2.eggs they looking are for the 3.than sun moonthe the bigger is 排序组成句子(注意大.小写和标点符号) (貌似不能修改词语的状态) with a I camera me take am to going ________________________________________________________ 排序组成句子(注意大、小写和标点符号,英语)1、likes, my, cooking, mother 2、than, sun, moon, the, bigger is3、eggs, they, looking, are, for, the4、with, a, I, me, camera, take, am, to, going 将with,a,I,me,camera,take,am,to,going这几个单词重新组成句子 eggs they looking are for the 排序 with a I me camera take am to going 排序组成句子 排序组成句子 I,in,visited,China,the Great Wall I take a bottle water with me.请问这个句子为什么后面要加上 with me. 给下列单词重新排序,组成句子.1.tell,the,hospital,way,me,you,could,to,the?2.like,his,lemonade,doesn't,cousin.3.they,a,library assistant,as,you,for,have,job.4.did,your friend,how,boliday,spend,the?5.can;where,the,find,jazz,I,CDs? 读句子,排序,组成一段完整的对话.1:Thank you.See you.2:Hello.This is Mary.3:Can you come and help me with my English.4:Hi,Mary.This is Mike.What are you doing?5:I'm listning to music.6:Sure .See you later.( ) 将各组句子重新排序组成通顺的对话.1、A It’s Room 109.Go ahead,and It’s on your left.B Oh,but where’s his office?C Excuse me,may i see Mr Li?D Sure.He’s in his office.2、A Is it in front of the cinema?B Excuse me,is there a bo 下列各句可组成一段对话,请给它们排序Where does she live?Is there a letter for me?I think it‘s from my pen friend,Annie.yes,here is your letter from the USA.she is in New york and she wants me to play with her. a,i,toy,want,car这个句子怎么排序? take/they/agreed/me/with them/there/to组成句子 给下列英文句子排排序( )Where does she live?( )Is there letter for me?( )I think it's from my pen friend,Annie.( )Yes,here is your letter from the U.S.A.( )She is in New York and she wants me to play with her. 请给下列句子排序( )Where does she live?( )Is there a letter for me?( )I think it’s from my pen friend,Annie.( )Yes,here is your letter from the USA.( )She is in New York and she wants me to play with her. 英语.句子排序I visit during usually the holiday theatre the(.)made he with paper a bamboo and kite(.)a string he to tied the kite long(.) a big trip going my friend I'm with to 组成哪个句子