
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 10:56:06
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2. 在已有的基础上发展,降低系统技术开发成本

On the economy, satellite navigation and positioning system to our country economy can pull mainly embodied in the following aspects: 1) vehicle navigation. China's population is numerous, GDP growth, car ownership is also constantly ascension. If 1% of the family a car, and the national there will be about three million vehicles. A car equipment satellite positioning system is the cost of the receiver is ten thousand yuan, the market will have 30 billion! Based on the global positioning system composed of vehicle navigation is intelligent transportation system (ITS), it an important part of the world recognized from go up at all solve traffic problems of the most effective way. 2) mobile phone. The satellite navigation and positioning technology and mobile phone combined, can provide a location based services (paper). China mobile phone user growth rate is very fast and mobile phones has been ranked in the second, in this huge market, containing the unlimited business opportunities. 3) satellite navigation system in resources investigation, geophysical exploration, oil drilling, agriculture, forestry, fishery, etc have the market. 4) in sports, entertainment, exploration and life saving is also useful.
Our country in the navigation application industry has great market, has now show that the huge economic benefits. In the navigation, Chinese large amounts of ships, aircraft has a large market share. Vehicle number in China big, strong momentum, but in China the transportation infrastructure is relatively backward, this has caused the navigation of a more pressing needs, the market potential is immense. In locating, currently in surveying and mapping field has basic most of the routine of using GPS measurement and project construction. In other applications, such as resource exploration, weather forecast and many other applications industries have used the GPS system, have a plenty of GPS and GLONASS integration.
Satellite navigation career development in our country, it will in China to create and promote the development of many related industry. Analysis of the value chain: the basic composition of the satellite navigation industrial chain has a space segments, the ground segment and for application. Among them for space belongs to one-time investment, for most of the ground also belong to one-time investment, both of the construction period of a fixed asset investment; And the use of the function of the period is the product (service) and made, it is sustainable growth of the profit source stage. It can manufacture industry and a lot of the satellite related hardware industry in the economy and technology development of a lot. Has accumulated in the experience, and with a certain technical strength, our country in this respect we can participate in the international competition, promoting China's manufacturing industry to develop the satellite.
2. On the basis of the existing development, reduce the system technology development costs
China's navigation for many years, career development has accumulated the massive ground infrastructure after appropriate transformation, can use of them for our country is to develop satellite navigation system service. The ground of the infrastructure in China mainly include: "no. 1" the big dipper system ground control station and reference center station, GPS tracking station, just completed the wide-area difference enhance the system, and satellite laser observatory, etc.
"No. 1" is China's big dipper is independent design and the construction of a kind of all weather, regional satellite positioning system. "No. 1" big dipper ground control center of the system can be expanded to a new generation of navigation system ground control center. Use it to satellite monitoring and management, processing, maintenance and supplement satellite scheduling, according to other stations transmit the observation data of the satellite, calculated the star calendar, clock, and less of the satellite atmosphere correction parameter, and these data through the other sites that goes up to the satellite.

英语翻译经济上,卫星导航定位系统对我国经济的拉动可以主要体现在以下几个方面:1)车辆导航.我国人口众多,GDP持续增长,汽车拥有量也不断提升.如果1%的家庭买车,全国将会有大约三百万 请列举目前全球主要卫星导航定位系统 我国北斗定位系统共有多少颗卫星组成? 沈阳gps监控跟踪 车载GPS卫星定位系统哪家好?不是导航仪 谁能介绍下卫星全球导航定位系统(GPS) 目前已发射定位测量与导航卫星的系统有哪些 试述利用全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)进行定位的基本概念. 北斗卫星导航定位系统,是我国自行研制开发的区域性有源三维卫星定位与通信系统,目前“北斗一号”已经成功运行,正在建设的“北斗二号”卫星导航系统空间段将由5颗高轨道静止卫星和30 手机没有GPS卫星定位怎么导航 怎样卫星定位车载导航的位置? 百度导航卫星定位怎么开启 汽车上的卫星定位(GPS)与卫星导航的区别?汽车上如果安装了卫星定位系统(GPS),遇到汽车被盗的话,系统会将情况反馈给GPS公司,GPS公司会将该辆被盗汽车断油断电并报110.但有些汽车上安 手机能卫星导航定位吗?诺基亚N72可不可以导航 目前已发射定位测量与导航卫星的系统(英文缩写称) 是 、 目前已发射定位测量与导航卫星的系统(英文缩写称)是 、 、 和 . 目前已发射定位测量与导航卫星的系统(英文缩写称) 是 、 目前已发射定位测量与导航卫星的系统(英文缩写称)是 、 、 和 . GPS卫星定位系统是什么? 卫星定位系统与灾害 我国北斗导航卫星属于什么卫星