开机出现replace the disk,and then press any key!请问如何解决 另外 用安装盘从硬盘启动也能开机!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:34:21
开机出现replace the disk,and then press any key!请问如何解决 另外 用安装盘从硬盘启动也能开机!
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开机出现replace the disk,and then press any key!请问如何解决 另外 用安装盘从硬盘启动也能开机!
开机出现replace the disk,and then press any key!
另外 用安装盘从硬盘启动也能开机!

开机出现replace the disk,and then press any key!请问如何解决 另外 用安装盘从硬盘启动也能开机!
是不是前面还少写了一句Invalid system disk( 无效系统盘)?
Replace the disk,and then press any key是请更换磁盘,然后按任意键继续的意思,一般情况是你的操作系统出现错误,建议重装系统,开机时按DEL,进入BIOS,找一下 Boot Device,或者是 Boot Sequence (引导顺序)将光驱:CDROM (软驱:Floppy 一般没人用了)作为第一启动顺序,HDD-0作为第二或第三顺序
第五个原因是电脑因非法关机造成的自检 按任意建继续即可

开机出现replace the disk,and then press any key!请问如何解决 另外 用安装盘从硬盘启动也能开机! 我的机子开机后,出现在一串英文,“em disk” “Disk I/o error” “Replace the disk and then press and key”开机时无报警声我的机子是98系统,开机时没有启动系统. replace the disk and then press any key开机出现这个按什么也没有用怎么办不要转发的,现在是光驱里放不放系统盘按什么全是这样没反应急死人了, 急救!笔记本开机“Invalid system disk,Replace the disk and then press any key ”被我装系统搞成这样的! 我的IBM560笔记本开机Invalid system disk,Replace the disk and then press any key怎么办,无软驱呀,有一个外挂光驱,可是不知道怎么设置BOIS 开机时出现Windows will now check the disk怎么办下面还有3部分,又没有不正常关机,每次开机都会这样,怎样消除这种现象? 请问Invalid system disk和Replace the disk and then press any key 是什么意识呀 我现在开机就会出现以下的字:SMART Failure Predicted on Hardisk 0:TOSHIBA MK6025GAS-(PM)WARNING:immediately back-up your data and replace hard disk a failure may be immient.然后开机按照提示按F1键就能正常进入Windows,为什 开机后显示:Immediately back-up your data and replace you hard di开机后显示:Immediately back-up your data and replace you hard disk drive a failure may be imminent press F1to continue cheking file system on c the type of the file system is NTFS a disk check has been scheduled windocheking file system on cthe type of the file system is NTFS a disk check has been scheduledwindows will now chek the disk开机时出现这,好几次了 Invalid system disk 回车Replace the disk,and then press any Press any key to boot from CD.Invalid system disk Replace the disk,and then press any keyInvalid system diskReplace the disk,and then press any keyReboot and Select proper boot deviceor In 开机出现“The type of the file system is NTFS”开机之后出现的是:Cheeking file system on C.The type of the file system is NTFS,one of your disks needs to be cheked for consistency ,you may cancle the disk check,but it is strongly recom 电脑开机时出现下列状况:check ing file system on c:the type of the file system is F...电脑开机时出现下列状况:check ing file system on c:the type of the file system is FAT32.one of your disk check,but it is strongly recommende checking file system on f:the type of the system is fat32.one of your disks needs to be checked for consistency .you may cancel the disk,but it is strongly recommended that you continue.disk checking has been cancelled.每次开机都出现这些东 怎么翻译checking file system on C:正常关机开机时出现checking file system on C:The type of the file sytem is FAT32A disk check has theen Schduled .windows will now check the disk.volume serial Number is F844-F66D.后面还有我没些 One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is str开机时出现的句子One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. Youmay cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommendedthat you con 开机时出现的句子One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency.Youmay cancel the disk check,but it is strongly recommendedthat you continue.your disk checking has been canceled键盘不能用,鼠标也不能正常使用 笔记本开机显示smart failure predicted on hard disk全文:smart failure predicted on hard disk 0:wsc wd 1600bevs-22rst0-(s1).warnig:immediately back -up your data and replace your hard disk drive.a failuve may be imminent.Press F1 to continue.