英语翻译As this century draws to a close,these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but,as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature,issues of intense interest to theologians,lawyers,legislators and even scien

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:18:51
英语翻译As this century draws to a close,these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but,as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature,issues of intense interest to theologians,lawyers,legislators and even scien
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英语翻译As this century draws to a close,these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but,as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature,issues of intense interest to theologians,lawyers,legislators and even scien
As this century draws to a close,these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but,as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature,issues of intense interest to theologians,lawyers,legislators and even scientists.Radical environmentalists are already demanding that legal and ethical protection be extended to all of nature,and a few of them have demonstrated a willingness to fight,break the law and even die in support of this belief.
As described by Nash,the circle covered by the ethical rules governing individual and social behavior has expanded slowly and irregularly throughout history.Starting by granting rights to themselves,humans gradually enlarged the circle to include the family,the tribe,the nation and,in theory if not in practice,the entire community of human beings.When Thomas Jefferson wrote that all men were created equal and entitled to certain unalienable rights,it was understood he was talking only about white males.Since the American Revolution,however,the right to ethical treatment has been extended,at least by law and social consensus,to include women and ethnic minorities.
The next page in this history - the extension of ethical and legal rights to animals,plants,and the rest of the natural world - is now being written,Nash believes.For a growing number of people throughout the world but particularly in the United States,the belief is taking root.
The idea that nature has rights and is entitled to ethical consideration is not a new one.Some Eastern religions define humans as only part of a great chain of being.But in the Christian tradition of the West,man was created to master nature,not to be part of it.
However,as environmentalism has evolved as a social movement in recent years,Nash says,the concept of liberating nature from persecution by humanity has gained followers.

英语翻译As this century draws to a close,these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but,as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature,issues of intense interest to theologians,lawyers,legislators and even scien
在本世纪即将结束之际,这些不只是抽象的哲学争论的问题,但正如罗德里克·弗雷泽 - 纳什指出,在大自然的权利,强烈的利益对神学家,律师,立法者甚至是科学家的问题.激进的环保主义者已经要求法律和道德的保护扩大到所有的性质,以及他们几个都表现出愿意打,触犯法律,甚至死在支持这一信念.
在这个历史的下一个页面 - 伦理和法律权利,动物,植物,自然世界其他地区的扩展 - 现在正在写,纳什认为.对于越来越多的世界各地的人,但特别是在美国,信念深入人心.

这个世纪接近尾声,这些不是仅仅是问题的抽象的哲学辩论,但作为罗德里克 · 弗雷泽纳什点出在自然权利,激烈的神学家、 律师、 立法会议员和甚至科学家感兴趣的问题。极端环保主义者已经要求道德和法律保护扩大到所有的性质,和他们的一小部分已经表现出愿意战斗、 违反法律和支持这一信念甚至死。如纳什所述,涵盖的个人和社会行为的道德规则的圈子扩大了慢慢地和不规则地在整个历史。开始通过授予对自己权利的人逐渐扩大范...


这个世纪接近尾声,这些不是仅仅是问题的抽象的哲学辩论,但作为罗德里克 · 弗雷泽纳什点出在自然权利,激烈的神学家、 律师、 立法会议员和甚至科学家感兴趣的问题。极端环保主义者已经要求道德和法律保护扩大到所有的性质,和他们的一小部分已经表现出愿意战斗、 违反法律和支持这一信念甚至死。如纳什所述,涵盖的个人和社会行为的道德规则的圈子扩大了慢慢地和不规则地在整个历史。开始通过授予对自己权利的人逐渐扩大范围,以包括家庭、 部落、 民族,理论中,如果不在实践中,人类的整个社会。托马斯 · 杰斐逊写的时候所有的男人创造平等,有权获得某些不可剥夺的权利,它是理解他说的只有白人男性。自革命以来,美国,然而,道德对待的权利,已,至少由法律和社会的共识,包括妇女和少数族裔。在这一历史延伸到动物、 植物和自然世界的其余部分的伦理和法律权利的下一个页面现在正在写入,纳什认为。为越来越多的人在世界各地,但尤其是在美国,信仰扎根。想法自然有权利和有权的伦理思考不是一个新。一些东部宗教定义人类作为唯一的的大链条的一部分。但在西方的基督教传统,男子的创建主性质,不能成为它的一部分。然而,作为环境保护主义已演变为一场社会运动在最近几年,纳什说,解放从人类的迫害性质的概念已获得的追随者。
这个世纪接近尾声,这些不是仅仅是问题的抽象的哲学辩论,但作为罗德里克 · 弗雷泽纳什点出在自然权利,激烈的神学家、 律师、 立法会议员和甚至科学家感兴趣的问题。极端环保主义者已经要求道德和法律保护扩大到所有的性质,和他们的一小部分已经表现出愿意战斗、 违反法律和支持这一信念甚至死。如纳什所述,涵盖的个人和社会行为的道德规则的圈子扩大了慢慢地和不规则地在整个历史。开始通过授予对自己权利的人逐渐扩大范围,以包括家庭、 部落、 民族,理论中,如果不在实践中,人类的整个社会。托马斯 · 杰斐逊写的时候所有的男人创造平等,有权获得某些不可剥夺的权利,它是理解他说的只有白人男性。自革命以来,美国,然而,道德对待的权利,已,至少由法律和社会的共识,包括妇女和少数族裔。在这一历史延伸到动物、 植物和自然世界的其余部分的伦理和法律权利的下一个页面现在正在写入,纳什认为。为越来越多的人在世界各地,但尤其是在美国,信仰扎根。想法自然有权利和有权的伦理思考不是一个新。一些东部宗教定义人类作为唯一的的大链条的一部分。但在西方的基督教传统,男子的创建主性质,不能成为它的一部分。然而,作为环境保护主义已演变为一场社会运动在最近几年,纳什说,解放从人类的迫害性质的概念已获得的追随者。






英语翻译As this century draws to a close,these are not merely questions for abstract philosophical debate but,as Roderick Frazier Nash points out in The Rights of Nature,issues of intense interest to theologians,lawyers,legislators and even scien 英语翻译the eighteenth century was not one in which powered sculptural conceptions were developed.add to this the timidity with which unschooled artisans-originally trained as stonemasons,carpenters-attacked the medium from which they sculpture m 英语翻译Following the eighteenth-century nomenclature of Stephen Hales,chemists referred io this as the problem of fixation of nitrogen.The rise of the Nobel explosives industry based upon nitroglycerine and dynamite was also to increase demand f 英语翻译Sea -level rise must be expressed as a range of values that are under constant reassessment.The IPCC forecast for global mean sea-level rise this century is from 0.11 -0.88 m.mean在句子里是什么意思? 英语翻译In “the century of culture,” a current drift is toward utilizing cultural heritage branding.Cultural heritage brand referred to in this study means a brand with value proposition based on cultural heritage.As Asian cultures are gather 英语翻译请翻译下面这句话Would the world seem as different to us as the 21st century would seem to people of the 16th century? 英语翻译Late twentieth-century humans played dice as never before with the systems that support life. 英语翻译This theory is as widespread as it is wrong. 英语翻译'Towards the close of the fifteenth century there was a meteor-like appearance of an Oxford Press.' (fn.21) In its origin this Oxford Press was,as far as can be ascertained,quite independent of Caxton's printing.The battle which has been 英语翻译:It was built in the early 12th century by King Suryavarman II as his state temple. 英语翻译American minstrel troupes were hugely popular in the late nineteenth century,both as performers and creators of hit songs. 英语翻译英语翻译汉语:This thought grew as the days passed. The early 20s of this century, twice this century 的汉语意思 英语翻译A slight breeze had sprung up,blowing in across the sea,and i remember as if it were this afternoon rather than an afternoon more than half a century ago the way we all instinctively turned our faces to it and gratefully drank in the tast 英语翻译The term community development gives a form suited to the twentieth century to the longstanding tendency of membership of a group to act together to improve the life-style of the group as a whole.Whereas previously this may have occurred 英语翻译As you can see,this is a sculpture,it is called a century to fly,it is the implied meaning of young people,hope,and a dream of flying,it stood in the campus,students see it,will have the motivation to study hard,in our campus,there is suc 英语单选一道as they lool ahead to the rest of this century and byond they ( )taht there is room for further improvementA guessB doubtC explainD recognize