求问一道期货套期保值计算题!(英文的)It is now October 2004.A company anticipates that it will purchase 1 millionpounds of copper in each of February 2005,August 2005,February 2006,and August 2006.The company has decided to use the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:43:06
求问一道期货套期保值计算题!(英文的)It is now October 2004.A company anticipates that it will purchase 1 millionpounds of copper in each of February 2005,August 2005,February 2006,and August 2006.The company has decided to use the
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求问一道期货套期保值计算题!(英文的)It is now October 2004.A company anticipates that it will purchase 1 millionpounds of copper in each of February 2005,August 2005,February 2006,and August 2006.The company has decided to use the
It is now October 2004.A company anticipates that it will purchase 1 million
pounds of copper in each of February 2005,August 2005,February 2006,and August 2006.The company has decided to use the futures contracts traded in the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange to hedge its risk.One contract is for the delivery of 25,000 pounds of copper.The initial margin is $2,000 per contract and the maintenance margin is $1,500 per contract.The
company’s policy is to hedge 80% of its exposure.Contracts with maturities up to 13 months into the future are considered to have sufficient liquidity to meet the company’s needs.Devise a hedging strategy for the company.Assume the market prices (in cents per pound) today and at the future dates are as follows:
Date Oct.2004 Feb.2005 Aug.2005 Feb.2006 Aug.2006
Spot Price 72.00 69.00 65.00 77.00 88.00
Mar.2005 futures price 72.30 69.10
Sept.2005 futures price 72.80 70.20 64.80
Mar.2006 futures price 70.70 64.30 76.70
Sept.2006 futures price 64.20 76.50 88.20
What is the impact of the strategy you propose on the price the company pays for copper?What is the initial margin requirement in Oct.2004?Is the company subject to margin calls?
中文:现在是2004年10月 一家公司预期在其2005年2月,8月,2006年2月,8月买入100万磅黄铜.公司用期货合约对冲风险,合约规模为25000磅,初始保证金为2000美元,维持保证金1500美元,公司政策要求对冲80%的风险敞口,到期期限在13个月内的合约被认为满足流动性要求,为公司设计套期保值方案,
Date Oct.2004 Feb.2005 Aug.2005 Feb.2006 Aug.2006
现货价格 72.00 69.00 65.00 77.00 88.00
Mar.2005 期货价格 72.30 69.10
Sept.2005 futures price 72.80 70.20 64.80
Mar.2006 futures price 70.70 64.30 76.70
Sept.2006 futures price 64.20 76.50 88.20
问 你建议的政策对公司支付的黄铜价格有何影响,2004年10月要求的初始保证金多少,公司是否能接到保证金催付?

求问一道期货套期保值计算题!(英文的)It is now October 2004.A company anticipates that it will purchase 1 millionpounds of copper in each of February 2005,August 2005,February 2006,and August 2006.The company has decided to use the