麻烦给一篇初中作文..不少于80个词组...额 抱歉 打错了 是 Singapore...新加坡/./

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 20:00:17
麻烦给一篇初中作文..不少于80个词组...额 抱歉 打错了 是 Singapore...新加坡/./
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麻烦给一篇初中作文..不少于80个词组...额 抱歉 打错了 是 Singapore...新加坡/./
额 抱歉 打错了 是 Singapore...新加坡/./

麻烦给一篇初中作文..不少于80个词组...额 抱歉 打错了 是 Singapore...新加坡/./
My Holiday Trip to Singapore
I have heard much about the beauty of Singapore,one of four remaining true city-states in the world and one of the most famous cities in Asia.It is the smallest nation in Southeast Asia that is made by many wonderful islands.Last summer,I and my friends decided to visit Singapore,the Lion Island.
Singapore,a small island,lies at the southern and of West Malaysia.A long and narrow piece of land joins Singapore with Johore Hahru,the southern-most town of West Malaysia.Singapore is now an independent state.
The city of Singapore is extremely beautiful.It is well known for its centers of business and other activities.There are many places of interest,such as,the Tiger Balm Garden,the Botanical Gardens and Raffles Museum.There are also many important centers of learning such as the University of Singapore,Science Centre,the Nanyang University and the Polytechnic.Being a famous city,hundreds of people come every day from various parts of the world to do business or to enjoy the sights of the city.Singapore therefore has large and beautiful airports and its harbors are full of ships.
There are many night schools where people who cannot go to the day schools for some reason or other can continue their studies.And,the government of Singapore is still doing its best to make further improvements in the city for the benefit of the people.During my stay in Singapore,I went out every day with my friends to see the beautiful and interesting places and things in the city.One day we went to the Tiger Balm Garden where I saw several statues of people,animals and other strange creature beautifully made and kept.The sea near this garden makes it a pleasant place to visit.We spent almost half of the day at this place.
Another day we visited the museum where I saw hundreds of curious things preserved for scholars and others.It was indeed an education to see all those things.There is so much to learn here that every visit by any person is sure to add to his knowledge.I also visited some of the harbors and saw the large ships anchored there.The sight of the ships aroused a desire in me to cross the oceans and go round the world.I was indeed deeply impressed by activities at the harbor.Then every night,I went round the town and visited some of the parks and other places of interest.The numerous lights and the constant stream of traffic kept the city alive.I visited a few of the cinemas as well.In short,I enjoyed every moment of my stay in this famous city of Singapore.
This trip gave us some experiences about Singapore,a neighborhood of my country.I took many pictures everywhere I came.It is helpful for young people like me,who want to travel around the world to study more about the cultural of different countries.


麻烦给一篇初中作文..不少于80个词组...额 抱歉 打错了 是 Singapore...新加坡/./ 给我一篇不少于80个单词的介绍我的家庭和我(英文)初中作文,我就是懒得写, 初中三年生涯即将结束,面对即将来临的暑假你有什么计划和打算吗?根据你的想法写一篇英语作文.要求:字数不少于80个 运用一些词组和短语 麻烦给我一篇用小标题的作文,不少于600字 给个初中作文,《同桌的你》,不少于600字,快 初中作文《收获》一篇不少于600字的作文《收获》 急求一篇初中水平的作文,关于母亲节的,题目是给母亲的一封信,不少于600字 以我家乡的天气写一篇英语作文初中的.不少于60个单词.写了 人物描写初中作文要一篇不少于600字的初中人物描写的作文,作文中至少要描写4个人物. .急求一篇初中毕业给最好的同学写一段毕业留言英语作文80个字 英语作文,要求记叙文,要有高一中的5个词组,不少于100,不少于5篇. 初中三年级英语作文(不少于80个单词)题目:How do you improve your Enghsh? 求大家给我一篇《春天的郊游》五年级英语作文不少于100个词,单词不要太难,语言优美.题目改为《春天来了》,不少于80个词。 一篇英语作文,我的周末.(不少于80个单词)这是考试作文 初中英语作文 80词.Ⅺ .书面表达:( 计 15 分 ) 紧张而忙碌的初中生活即将过去,你在课业学习、体育运动、人际交往、家务劳动等方面做得如何?对照下表,请按照所给提示,写一篇不少于80个 以初一的英语水平给我一篇介绍考拉的作文,不少于80字 请随便给我一篇作文,只要不少于300字就行. 给我一篇孝心作文.不少于400字啊.