She buried her head__the quilt and cried.A:under B:on C:before D:beside选哪个 为什么选

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:08:14
She buried her head__the quilt and cried.A:under B:on C:before D:beside选哪个 为什么选
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She buried her head__the quilt and cried.A:under B:on C:before D:beside选哪个 为什么选
She buried her head__the quilt and cried.
A:under B:on C:before D:beside选哪个 为什么选

She buried her head__the quilt and cried.A:under B:on C:before D:beside选哪个 为什么选


She cried with her face______in her hand.burying or buried? she was still fast asleep,with her head buried deep into her arms为何用buried,如何翻译 请问大师们:She was sitting with her head buried in a newspaper.怎么是Buried in a newspaper.. She buried her head__the quilt and cried.A:under B:on C:before D:beside选哪个 为什么选 Buried, ( )her emotion ,she buried her face in her control b.having controlled为什么选b a 怎么不行 如果要用a这句话怎么改下 not only did she ask...not only did she ask to be buried with her dolls,she asked to become a doll herself.这里only后面的did是什么用法?倒桩?为什么要倒桩? i just buried her this week如何理解bury ___________her emotion,she buried her face in her hands.A.Controlled B.To control C.Controlling D.Having controlled答案是D,为什么不能用B表目的?很不解,求解释. 谢译~She buried her face in the roses,drinking in the fragrance原文中是这样翻译的,她把脸埋在玫瑰里,吸入芳香.个人觉得太山寨~ 英语翻成汉语Once upon a time,there was a little girl called Nuwa.Her father was Emperor Yan and be loved her very much.So they always played together.One day nuwa played .she was on the sea and her boat.Just before she was buried by the surging 一个很难解释的英语完形填空,只有一个空 -------------务必高手 有耐心者 进Well,I had to give in to her—she was determined.One day,I saw her sitting in the grass,head buried in her arms.I walked toward her and quietly asked w 9.After kissing George ,the assistant ran away with her face__ in her apron,feeling___.A.burying ,embarrassedB.buried ,embarrassedC.burying,embarrassingD.buried,embarrassing为什么不是A? 英语翻译The young woman buried beneath debris looked as if she performing an ancient ritual.The palms of her hands were placed flat on the ground and she was bent over.A rescuer cried out to her,but there was no reply.The rescue team was about to Hearing her only son killed in the accident,the old women buried her face in her hands and cried 翻译 英语翻译”她被埋死了“,为什么是翻译成:SHE IS BURIED TO LIVE.而不是”SHE IS BURIED TO DIE 呢? 非谓语从句的题Can you get the clock ______again?A.go B. to go C.going D. done2.She was still fast asleep,with her head _____deep into her arms.A.bury B.buried bury D.burying两位都答错了啊…… __her emotion,she buried her face in her hands.答案是Having controlled为什么不是To control呢?这个问题很多人讨论过的 但是正确答案是 having controlled 绝非是答案错误.真是不太理解 感觉有悖常理啊.