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英:Procuratorial agency's legal surveillance is a socialism surveillance system important constituent,took National Law Surveillance Institution,is undertaking the special responsibility,legally to investigates,judicial links and so on the trial carries on the legal surveillance.Broadly says,the law supervises entire society to undertake the legal surveillance duty.Also is State agency,the society from all walks of life,each kind of media,as well as the ordinary citizen.The procuratorial agency took State agency the important constituent,is undertaking a special responsibility,the responsibility - - law surveillance which the fulfillment constitution,the law entrust with.In the procuratorial agency judicature surveillance puts on record the surveillance,the reconnaissance surveillance,the trial surveillance,the penalty carries out some questions which the surveillance as well as the civil trial surveillance and the administrative proceedings surveillance exists.The legal surveillance is the constitution,the law entrusts with the procuratorial agency the sacred duty,the comprehensive correct fulfillment law sacred duty,is fair regarding the maintenance and is just,the promotion social order healthy development,the promotion economic boom has the extremely vital significance.The strengthened law surveillance,maintains is fair and is just.In view of above the question which exists in the legal surveillance process,emphatically from consummates the legislation,the perfect system strengthens the legal surveillance function.

The procuratorial organ legal supervision is that the socialism superintends a important component of system , is bearing peculiar duty , being carrying out legal supervision on judiciary links such a...


The procuratorial organ legal supervision is that the socialism superintends a important component of system , is bearing peculiar duty , being carrying out legal supervision on judiciary links such as investigating , trying according to law as country organs supervising law enforcement. Secondary broad sense go ahead talking, complete society of legal supervision is bearing the legal supervision duty equally. Be just state organs , the general public , medium of all kinds, andAverage citizen. The procuratorial organ is the state organs important component , duty, fulfills constitution , law gives to peculiarly to be bearing an once duty legal supervision. The procuratorial organ places a case on file for investigation and prosecution in judiciary supervision supervising , the reconnoitre supervision , adjudication supervision , Carrying out the punishment supervision and civil adjudication supervision and administrative lawsuit supervise having a few problem. Legal supervision is constitutionSacred duty that law , law give a procuratorial organ to, all-round rightness fulfills the law sacred duty, to defending fairness and justice , boosting social order health developing , boosting an economic prosperity having very important significance. Strengthen legal supervision , defend fairness and justice. Specifically for having problem as said or narrated above in the process of legal supervision, heavy secondary perfect legislation, come to strengthen the legal supervision function perfect system.


The law direct of the organization of is an importance that socialism inspect the system to constitute the part, being used as the national law the direct the organization, undertaking the special jo...


The law direct of the organization of is an importance that socialism inspect the system to constitute the part, being used as the national law the direct the organization, undertaking the special job, by law to investigate, the judicial link in etc. in judgment proceeds the law the direct.Speak from the broad sense, law direct the all society all undertakes the duty that law direct.Is also a national organization, social the public, various medium, and common citizen.The importance of the national organization in conduct and actions in organization in察 in检 constitutes the part, undertaking the once special job, implementing the job —— law direct that constitution, law give.Judicial direct in organization in察 in检 neutral case direct, probe the direct, judgment direct, the penalty carries out direct and civil case judgment the direct inspects with administration litigation existent of some problem.Law direct is sacred job that the sacred job that the constitution, law gives the organization of , the exactitude implements the law completely, is fair for the maintenance and justice, promote the social order health develop, promoting the economy prospers to have the count for much meaning.Enhance the law direct, support fair and justice.Aim at the above problem exsited in law inspect process, emphasize from the perfect lawmaking, perfect system to enhance the law direct working talent.


英语翻译检察机关的法律监督是社会主义监督体系的一个重要组成部分,作为国家法律监督机关,承担着特殊的职责,依法对侦查、审判等司法环节进行法律监督.从广义上讲,法律监督全社会均 全国检察机关是行政系统内部监督还是外部监督? 什么是人大的法律监督工作监督? 国家的法律监督机关是()?A.人民法院 B.人民检察院 C.公安机关 D.人民代表大会 教材上写的是法律监督分为国家机关的监督和社会监督两大类.国家机关的监督又包括:1.国家权力机关的监督 按照法律监督的主体划分 ,  我国法律监督主要包括,国家监督和什么? 13.在我国,司法机关的监督包括( ).A.审判机关的监督 B.检察机关的监督 C.司法行政机关的监督 D.公D是公安机关 检察机关依法对公安机关提请批准逮捕犯罪嫌疑人意见的审查,属于公安执法外部监督还是内部监督我作一套卷子里解析说是内部监督,但是书上写的检查监督制度是外部监督 人大的法律监督与检察院的法律监督的区别?全国人民代表大会的权利:监督宪法的实施.难道只能监督宪法的实施吗? 在我国,司法机关的监督包括( ).A.审判机关的监督 B.检察机关的监督 C.司法行政机关的监督D 公安机关 这个题选啥? 检察院是我国的法律监督机关,体现在什么方面?它有“监督法律的实施,行使监督权”的权力吗?人大既然能 我国现行宪法规定, 人民检察院是我国的 A. 最高司法机关 B. 纪律检查机关 C. 法律监督机关D. 法纪监督机关 在我国人民代表大会与各级行政机关,审判机关,检察机关的关系是领导与被领导的关系 2.监督与被监督的关系 3.相互监督的关系 4.分权制衡的关系A.1和2 B.1和3 C.1和4 D.2 我国宪法规定的专门的法律监督机关是 我国宪法规定的专门的法律监督机关是 这句话对吗?“人民代表大会是我国的法律监督机关” 法律监督、财务监督、社会监督、司法监督,有什么区别和联系?(行政职业能力测试)社会监督是不是包括财务监督、法律监督、司法监督? 法律监督的方式有哪些 我国行政系统的内部监督是( ).A、一般监督B、特殊监督C、专门监督D、司法监督