
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 19:07:01
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; Gujarati:मोहनदास करमचंद गाँधी,1869 on 10 years 2 years -1948 on Jan.30),the honorific title of Mahatma Gandhi,the Indian nationalist movement and the leader of the Congress Party.He is the father of India,India is the greatest political leaders.He led the country towards independence from British colonial rule.His "civil disobedience",that is,he said the "nonviolent protest",the impact on the world's nationalists and those who strive for a peaceful change of the international movement.
   "Non-violent" non-cooperation of citizens,Gandhi of India from British rule.It also inspired other colonial people up for their independence struggle.The ultimate disintegration of the British Empire has been replaced by the Commonwealth or the Federal little more accurate (because "the British" prefix in 1946,has not become the Commonwealth of Nations).Gandhi's main belief is "satyagraha",English to "truth force",meaning "the power of the spirit" and "the road of truth" and "pursuit of truth." This inspired other pro-democracy movements,such as Martin Luther King,Nelson Mandela and others.He always says that he values very simple,that is (from the traditional Hindu belief of evolution):the truth (satya),non-violence (ahimsa).
   Born on October 2,1869
   British India Bor Bender
   Died on January 30,1948 (78 years)
   India and India in New Delhi
   Indian National Congress political party
   Alma mater,University College London
   Professional lawyers,Indian independence leader
中文意思:莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地(英文:Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi;古吉拉特语:मोहनदास करमचंद गाँधी,1869年10月2日-1948年1月30日),尊称圣雄甘地,是印度民族主义运动和国大党领袖.他既是印度的国父,也是印度最伟大的政治领袖.他带领国家迈向独立,脱离英国的殖民统治.他的“非暴力反抗”的主张,也就是他说的“nonviolent protest”,影响了全世界的民族主义者和那些争取和平变革的国际运动.
通过“非暴力”的公民不合作,甘地使印度摆脱了英国的统治.这也激发了其他殖民地的人们起来为他们的独立而奋斗.最终大英帝国分崩离析了,取而代之的是英联邦,或者更准确一点是联邦(因为“英”这个前缀于1946年没有了,变成了Commonwealth of Nations).甘地的主要信念是“satyagraha”,英语译成“truth force”,意为“精神的力量”、“真理之路”、“追求真理”等.这鼓舞了其他的民主运动人士,如马丁·路德·金,曼德拉等人.他经常说他的价值观很简单,那就是(是从传统的印度教信仰演化来的):真理(satya)、非暴力(ahimsa).
生于 1869年10月2日
卒于 1948年1月30日 (78岁)
印度 印度新德里
政党 印度国民大会党
母校 伦敦大学学院
职业 律师、印度独立运动领袖

Gandhi is a person who loves peace, very skinny Indian guy.