英语翻译冬天,人们往往睡的比较早.(tend to)我认为你并没有完全领会他的意思.(grasp)他们应该知道这个秘一直在撒谎.(all along)这种错误可能导致灾难性的后果.(lead to)这次新发现的石油对这个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:19:33
英语翻译冬天,人们往往睡的比较早.(tend to)我认为你并没有完全领会他的意思.(grasp)他们应该知道这个秘一直在撒谎.(all along)这种错误可能导致灾难性的后果.(lead to)这次新发现的石油对这个
xNF_uR+s_׳33ڻHFI4M(4A*oXy},\Ҏ>~܎ʇoULWݽ}F6etHbsXkRˠeQ΃U3p}}nGi7VO3YyV;ŋ/ϳÿg˟<)P7Cwe\ғx4RrF|yneX>ŋw#)=Uka뱨˾Fx5q2Rl]j!;z I!!δgD7%,riQ߈Qa2-8꠾ =JnB7bAs2eV}J<,HXmu/Fm0:r A:κo(mAuV"6I2ˌ*4DXs mԃJ(gfT8RET%Jȫ|{\:.y}ڙ߬|_cq&lT6R=S0nT>i /T8rj\B'Mi3bŹB~pq/pJu K{/d7-w\$ryoիŖG=vUBb$ L"_DYu.~=_X~tٛ +Sճ͚o(Utcs?yU`h&ceg 1hi)T3Paka1]u6O J6U7v`%L6JjsP|

英语翻译冬天,人们往往睡的比较早.(tend to)我认为你并没有完全领会他的意思.(grasp)他们应该知道这个秘一直在撒谎.(all along)这种错误可能导致灾难性的后果.(lead to)这次新发现的石油对这个
冬天,人们往往睡的比较早.(tend to)
他们应该知道这个秘一直在撒谎.(all along)
这种错误可能导致灾难性的后果.(lead to)

英语翻译冬天,人们往往睡的比较早.(tend to)我认为你并没有完全领会他的意思.(grasp)他们应该知道这个秘一直在撒谎.(all along)这种错误可能导致灾难性的后果.(lead to)这次新发现的石油对这个
In winter,people tend to sleep earlier.
I think that you haven't fully grasp his meaning.
They should know that this person has been telling lies all along.
This sort of error may lead to catastrophic results.
The discovery of oil lately has a great significance on the economy of this region.

Winter, the people usually sleep more early.(tend to) I think you have no the meaning that completely appreciates him.(grasp) They should know this 秘 has been aring tell a lie.(all along) This kind of...


Winter, the people usually sleep more early.(tend to) I think you have no the meaning that completely appreciates him.(grasp) They should know this 秘 has been aring tell a lie.(all along) This kind of mistake may cause the disaster result.(lead to) This time the new-found petroleum has the great significance to the economy of this region.(significance)


people tend to go to bed earlier in winter
i think you haven't graspped his meaning compeletly
they are supposed to know the secretor is lying all along .
this mistake probably lead to a disaster consequence
this new discovery of the petrol have an important signifecance to the economy of this district