谁是处理那个计划的人?Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Are the (2)sentence and (3)sentence same meaning?handling 1)Who is the person handle the project.2)Who is the person handling the project.3

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:02:39
谁是处理那个计划的人?Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Are the (2)sentence and (3)sentence same meaning?handling 1)Who is the person handle the project.2)Who is the person handling the project.3
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谁是处理那个计划的人?Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Are the (2)sentence and (3)sentence same meaning?handling 1)Who is the person handle the project.2)Who is the person handling the project.3
谁是处理那个计划的人?Translate it into English
Please provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.
Are the (2)sentence and (3)sentence same meaning?
1)Who is the person handle the project.
2)Who is the person handling the project.
3)Who is the person that handle the project.

谁是处理那个计划的人?Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.Are the (2)sentence and (3)sentence same meaning?handling 1)Who is the person handle the project.2)Who is the person handling the project.3
第一句话语法不对,第三句话应该把handle改为handles,这样的话第二句和第三句表达的意思是一样的.这句话可以不必一字一句的翻译,直接问“Who is handling the project?”也可以.

