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The Flag of the People's Republic of China,the "Five-Starred Red Flag (五星红旗 in pinyin:wǔ xīng hóng qí)",was designed by Zeng Liansong,an economist by trade and a talented artist who lived in Ruian (瑞安 ruì ān),Zhejiang.He designed it in response to a circular distributed by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in July 1949,shortly after they came to power.Out of some 3,000 plus entries received for the design competition,Zeng's was chosen after being nominated as one of the 38 finalists.Mao Zedong hoisted the first flag on a pole overlooking Tiananmen Square on the day of its unveiling.
The design uses red as its background (symbolizing the blood of the soldiers who were lost in wars) and bright yellow for its stars.The larger star symbolizes the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The four small stars represent the four classes:the workers,the peasants,the petty bourgeoisie,and patriotic capitalists [citation needed] (Alternate:four "revolutionary" classes of Chinese society:worker,farmer,student,and soldier)[citation needed].The design went through several changes and was finally approved by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on September 27,1949 at their First Plenary Session.The original design plans consisted of several alterations in comparison with the modern-day flag,which is really a watered-down version at that.
Three of the original flag candidates showed the large golden star (with no additional stars anywhere else) along with one,two,or three yellow bars (horizontal) at the bottom of the flag,representing the Yangtze,Huang He (Yellow River) and the Zhujiang River (Pearl River).They were not chosen,however,because the very presence of these bars appeared to,at least on the surface of the flag,suggest a tearing or splittling of the nation.
Two other designs featuring the large star with four smaller stars were also discussed.One of them showed four stars in a vertical line below the large golden star.This was dumped out of fears that it would suggest class incompatibilities and struggles.The other flag was very much the current-day PRC flag,but had the hammer and sickle in red,inside the largest golden star.The Communist icon was removed because the PRC would be a Maoist leadership,not a complete mirror of a Communist state.The hammer and sickle in the flag,were it to survive,would also further complicate relations with the other four stars it represented (two smaller stars already represented the workers and the farmers; if the hammer (workers) and the sickle (farmers) were added once again to the flag,there could well be class inequalities.)
中文国旗,人民共和国的中国,“五星红旗(五星红旗在汉语拼音:wǔ xīng hóng qí ) ” ,设计了曾连松,一位经济学家,贸易和一位天才的艺术家,谁住在瑞安市(瑞安ruì ān ) ,浙江.他设计了它在回应通告,分发由中国人民政治协商会议(政协)在1949年7月后不久,他们上台.出于一些3000加收到的参赛作品为设计比赛,曾庆红被选为后,获提名为其中的38个进入决赛的.毛泽东悬挂国旗首次在一个极俯瞰天安门广场的当天,其揭幕.
设计用途的红色为背景(象征着鲜血的战士谁失去了在战争中)和鲜黄色其星级.规模较大的星,象征着领导的中国共产党.四个小颗星代表四个阶级:工人,农民,小资产阶级,和爱国资本家[引文需要] (候补:4 “革命”类别的中国社会:工人,农民,学生,军人) [引文需要] .设计经历了几个变化,并最终批准,由中国人民政治协商会议1949年9月27日在其第一届全体会议.原先设计的计划构成的几个改动,在比较与现代为期一天的国旗,这实在是一个浇水的精简版本,在这一点.
三个原国旗的候选人表明,大型黄金星(无额外星级其他地方)随着一,二,三或黄色酒吧(水平) ,在底部的旗帜,代表长江,黄河(黄河)珠江(珠江) .他们没有选择,但是,由于存在非常这些酒吧的出现,至少在表面上的国旗,建议拆除或splittling的国家.
其他两个设计,这些设计的大明星与小四星级也进行了讨论.其中一人表明,四星级在一条垂直线以下的大型黄金星.这是倾倒出来的恐惧,它将建议阶层不兼容和斗争.其他旗十分当前的为期一天的中华人民共和国国旗,但有锤子和镰刀在红色,内最大的黄金星.共产主义的图标被拆掉,因为中共将是一个毛派领导,而不是一个完整的一面镜子,一个共产主义国家.铁锤和镰刀在国旗,它为了生存,也将进一步复杂化的关系,与其他四星级它代表了(两个较小的星级已经代表工人和农民;若锤(工人)和镰刀(农民)补充,再次向国旗,有可能是阶级不平等) .