几道高三英语单选题,蛮难的,1.Great Food Co.is the market leader.We should have trust in it.Well,I'm afraid its record in economic crisis-management______confidence.A.does inspire B.does not have C.does have D.does not inspireD.我选了B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:46:30
几道高三英语单选题,蛮难的,1.Great Food Co.is the market leader.We should have trust in it.Well,I'm afraid its record in economic crisis-management______confidence.A.does inspire B.does not have C.does have D.does not inspireD.我选了B
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几道高三英语单选题,蛮难的,1.Great Food Co.is the market leader.We should have trust in it.Well,I'm afraid its record in economic crisis-management______confidence.A.does inspire B.does not have C.does have D.does not inspireD.我选了B
1.Great Food Co.is the market leader.We should have trust in it.
Well,I'm afraid its record in economic crisis-management______confidence.
A.does inspire B.does not have C.does have D.does not inspire
2.Try as I______,I couldn't work out the answer.
Don't______and you'll make it.
A.might;give up B.must;give off C.might;give off D.must;give up
3.Housing price is still very high.
So it is,Many families are finding suitable housing ______.
A.beyond their grasp B.within their reach C.beyond their control D.under control
4.RECEPTIONIST:required immediately at the Grand Hotel.______ speak Japanese.Phone 67980789.
A.Must B.Will C.Ought to D.Could

几道高三英语单选题,蛮难的,1.Great Food Co.is the market leader.We should have trust in it.Well,I'm afraid its record in economic crisis-management______confidence.A.does inspire B.does not have C.does have D.does not inspireD.我选了B
D 对话:这个公司是行业领先者,我们本应该相信他的.可是恐怕以往经济危机管理记录可并不是这么有说服力.confidence这里是相信,inspire confidence 从字面上是没有鼓励相信,就是并不让人觉得能够相信这个恭喜.
A 固定句型,把动词提前,后接as I may,表示让步.用might表示过去.相当于though I have tried,.尽管我尽了努力,我还是没能找到答案.
A 这是个招聘启事.Grand Hotel需要接待员,要求必须会说日语.只有must 可以表示要求.will 表示将来发生的,ought to 是应该,could 表可能性

第1题后半句I'm afraid所跟从句的主语是record,“记录”,在本句可引申为“表现”,record只能inspire(鼓舞,激励)信心(这里是别人的信心),而不能说record have confidence (表现拥有信心),因为表现是客观事物,只能激发信心,不能拥有信心。


第1题后半句I'm afraid所跟从句的主语是record,“记录”,在本句可引申为“表现”,record只能inspire(鼓舞,激励)信心(这里是别人的信心),而不能说record have confidence (表现拥有信心),因为表现是客观事物,只能激发信心,不能拥有信心。
第3题,根据句子意思来,第一句说“房价仍旧很高”,第二句开头说So it is.就表示赞成第一句话,“房价确实很高”,顺着这个意思下来,“许多家庭发现合适的住房都超过了其能力所及(所能承受的价格)”,就顺当了。而如果选B表示“许多家庭发现合适的住房都在其可承受范围之内”,那么和So it is就自相矛盾了。
第4题,这是招聘启示,都用的无主句,意思是:Grand Hotel目前急需接待员。必须会说日语。电话多少多少。用Must表示这是必须的硬性条件之一,不容商量的口气。
