总算可以松口气了 英语怎么说RT

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 08:43:34
总算可以松口气了 英语怎么说RT
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总算可以松口气了 英语怎么说RT
总算可以松口气了 英语怎么说

总算可以松口气了 英语怎么说RT
1.最简单的办法是像老外一样一个发出一种类似呼气或吸气发出的很短的口哨声(以后看原版电影留意点), 用以表示松口气. 这个叹词写出来是: phew或者whew
/ fju:; fju/ (also whew) interj (written representation of a short soft whistling sound made by blowing out or sucking in one's breath, and used to express relief, exhaustion or amazement 呼气或吸气发出的很短的口哨声, 用以表示松口气、 疲劳或惊奇): Phew! That was a nasty moment -- that car nearly hit us. (发出口哨声)当时可真危险--那辆汽车差点撞上我们.
2 要用一句话表达的话, 老外也有类似的表达方法, 那就是: Now I can breathe freely (again). (不妨google一下)
除了breathe freely以外也可用breathe easily 或breathe easy或rest easy
To be relaxed or relieved, especially after a period of tension.
breathe (easily/freely) again
=to relax because you are no longer in a difficult or dangerous situation:
We found that file, so you can breathe again.
Just three more questions and then you can breathe easy.
rest/breathe easy:
=to stop worrying
--We can rest easy now - we've got everything under control.
somebody can breathe easy/easily:
used when saying that someone can relax because a worrying or dangerous situation has ended.
--With stocks going up, investors can breathe easily.
5 (idm 习语) (be able to) breathe (easily/freely) again
= feel calm or relieved after a period of tension, fear or exertion; relax (在一度紧张、恐惧或努力之后)恢复平静或安下心来; 松口气:
Now my debts are paid I can breathe again. 现在我已还清欠债, 可以松口气了.

At last, I can relax!

At last, I can have a break now.

I can take a final breath

They could finally relax

Finally, I can let it go...
or Finally, it's over.../ I can take a break