
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 05:06:40
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ghost sly crafty都有鬼的意思…… 例句与用法:他声称他可以使 鬼 魂现身.He claimed that he could make ghosts materialize.教士将 鬼 从房屋中驱走.A priest exorcized the ghost from the house.我看到的不可能是 鬼 --一定是幻想的东西吧.I can't have seen a ghost it must have been imagination.那 鬼 魂已经祛除,不会再回来缠著你了.The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again.他好象见了 鬼 似的(很惊慌的样子).He looked as if he had seen a ghost.你好象撞见了 鬼 似的.You look as though you've seen an apparition.你并没有真地看见 鬼 ,这仅仅是幻象.You didn't really see a ghost,it's only imagination.他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了 鬼 一样.He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost