定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel WutheringHeights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,whereLine a “romantic” reading receives more confi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 07:55:29
定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel WutheringHeights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,whereLine a “romantic” reading receives more confi
xXN#G~zǣFJHrȹ4j{qkW12ll+~}UmE%boUy$Vnl4Gnwv,Kib5VLoc*$ ZL D1F~TZh`zLb}xocATm<M| }D3F(QHx Q3bhzĂJ,`ê DF S}QdL317S/BdaE_ H(U{5aTaSFޘy2B@g!d Vb4hm;-giE8eQo>MwoRR3n5p&NL]'4|ֽn8,GOϸs޲[+rHULm5-qW +%dU5쵯Sȫ}5ٝ-anܶϫ ӣp9Xo \E9cm9|~9@x8tr]`/[zWTYu>6c괈 9zd8''(!g> RCsNaӇ+u0; [+rƎ9-ݼvwItt ;qY}D^*2_*_X#Eo GĀ1A8Ю|<^ksѫ3m.[)s)ѠW~lWhb)vK g]<+NV]>h/ KJڇeΕ9OEԙnppl*xdyroy<L>߷yA.7j=] lY=R~vzMXrE7 tq~cC2 %t#J?=Bͽzl1 gb(e1vp|6WOǿӳVi z ^ci9|,NJQr{/~OqҞ~CґFsG&8pcz*K[Soa&-<0^s^;%y!-e77fAWT| g"#]m@4oLAx,;9МDs}eV!-5Jg/޷o68Yk/Mͽ 6}vYg[>Hlb

定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel WutheringHeights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,whereLine a “romantic” reading receives more confi
定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的
Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel Wuthering
Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that
comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where
Line a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation.
where a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation.修饰的到底是哪里呢

定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel WutheringHeights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,whereLine a “romantic” reading receives more confi
Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,
where line(打多了,没有line) a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation.
即:a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation in the first part (where代替 first part 做状语,意思:在小说的第一部分中,一种浪漫的阅读能获得更多的认可)
如:A man 『后边加从句,修饰的是a man』who sells books in a shop is called a bookseller.开店售书的人叫做书商.
He found the dictionary there he was looking for.他在那儿找到了他在找的词典.
I saw something in the paper which might interest you.我在报上看到一样可能使你感兴趣的东西.
Something was going to happen that was to change the world.当时有件事就要发生,这件事将改变世界的面貌.
【俊狼猎英】 欢迎追问
如:A man 『后边加从句,修饰的是a man』who sells books in a shop is called a bookseller.开店售书的人叫做书商.
He found the dictionary there he was looking for.他在那儿找到了他在找的词典.
I saw something in the paper which might interest you.我在报上看到一样可能使你感兴趣的东西.
Something was going to happen that was to change the world.当时有件事就要发生,这件事将改变世界的面貌.
【俊狼猎英】 欢迎追问

这里出现了一个限定词where,那么就请楼主去找关于地点或者部分的单词吧,就是前面两个,its second part 和the first part.那么到底是哪个?
请看到这个短语,comments on以及后面的插入语if it does not reverse,插入语在阅读时可以去掉不读...


这里出现了一个限定词where,那么就请楼主去找关于地点或者部分的单词吧,就是前面两个,its second part 和the first part.那么到底是哪个?
请看到这个短语,comments on以及后面的插入语if it does not reverse,插入语在阅读时可以去掉不读。即comment the first part as.....定语从句



此句中where 引导的从句修饰其前的 the first part 中的“part” ,且在从句中作状语(注:原句where 后应没有“Line” )

where a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation
“romantic 浪漫的修饰 reading 名词,文学作品
more 更多的,形容词修饰名词 confirmation 肯定。


定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的 请问,定语从句修饰主句的名词成分还是从句的名词成分? 如何确定非限制性定语从句修饰的是前面句中的名词还是前面的整个句子呢? 定语从句 修饰近的成分 还是前面的Many critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel WutheringHeights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,whereLine a “romantic” reading receives more confi 这是定语从句还是状语从句?use the words to complete the sentences which follow.这个是定语从句还是状语从句?follow修饰的是哪个词语,做什么成分?句子是不是有省略成分? 谓语前面是状语,名词前的修饰成分是定语,如果谓语是名词,那么谓语前面是状语还是定语?注意这是语文问题 名词作谓语的时候,前面的修饰词是状语还是定语啊?因为定语修饰名词,状语修饰动词,而名词作谓语的时候前面的修饰词做的是什么成分? 定语从句和不定式修饰的成分有什么区别啊? 修饰整句的非限定性定语从句怎么划分成分如题 定语从句修饰的名词前面是加什么冠词?零冠词可以加吗, that定语从句that只能修饰紧跟的词吗,句中前面的词能修饰吗? 定语从句中,怎样看从句修饰的先行词是主语还是宾语? Prop comedians use things,called props,to tell their jokes.这里called props是做什么成分啊,是定语修饰前面的things 还是插入语啊, 修饰整个主句的定语从句为非限制性定语从句用什么用which 还是 as 同谓语从句修饰抽象的名词,定语从句修饰人和物.请问定语从句可以修饰抽象名词吗? 定语从句小问题我想再请问一下,我明白了怎么判断which修饰的是宾语还是主语.那么,像这样Where is the man( that) I saw this morning?要怎么判断that修饰的是什么? 定语从句前面的名词或代词叫先行词,那么状语从句相对应的成分叫什么? 怎样区别定语从句中从句所做的成分是宾语还是主语?急