
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 13:45:52
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Telephone ring*
Bill: (pick up) Hello? Bill Wilson speaking.
Wang: Hello Bill. This is Qiang Wang from China Banking International. Long time no see. How are you?
Bill: Good. Good. And y...


Telephone ring*
Bill: (pick up) Hello? Bill Wilson speaking.
Wang: Hello Bill. This is Qiang Wang from China Banking International. Long time no see. How are you?
Bill: Good. Good. And you?
Wang: I’m fine, thank you. Anyways, I am calling to let you know that I’ll be in New York next week. I was wondering if we could have lunch sometimes, catch up and maybe discuss the details of the YLC investment project.
Bill: Off course, I’ll be happy to. Man. I haven’t seen YOU in a long time.
Wang: Yeah, three whole years. We haven’t had the chance to meet ever since our graduation ceremony at Yale.
Bill: Right. ‘Cause you moved back to Beijing and I moved to New York. And work has been crazily busy, right?
Wang: Yes, but achieving my dream is worth all the effort.
Bill: Oh, I forget. You are always the workaholic. So… right… about lunch… Let me check my schedule… er… How’s Tuesday at 12:00?
Wang: Um… I can’t come on Tuesday. Tuesday is my sister’s wedding. That’s another reason why I have to come to New York: I’m one of the best men at her wedding.
Bill: Really? Tell her I said congratulations.
Wang: I will. Are you free on Saturday? Maybe afterward we can go play tennis.
Bill: Hem… I’d love to but I can’t. I promise that I’ll take my little brother to a Yankee game. But I’m free on Thursday.
Wang: Thursday it is! At 12:00?
Bill: Yes. And you know what? I have recently discovered a great restaurant close to Times Square. They serve the juiciest steak I have ever tasted.
Wang: Oh great. I love steaks. So… e-mail me the address and details later?
Bill: Consider it done. And I will bring the preliminaries on the YLC project so we can go over it.
Wang: Perfect. By the way, congratulations on your promotion.
Bill: Thank you. And congratulations on yours, I heard that you’re the youngest project manager at the Beijing branch. That’s really something.
Wang: *Laughs* I got lucky. Speaking of luck, what are the chances we end up working on the same project?
Bill: Yes, two old college roommates working side by side, bravely exploring the world of finance. This should be good.
Wang: Well, I look forward to working with you.
Bill: Me too. *Noises in the background* Sorry, I have a meeting coming up. So I will see you on Thursday?
Wang: Bye, see you on Thursday.
