英语专业写论文很惆怅 我写出了汉语版本的摘要 译成英文有些吃力 不要机器译的~艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女运动之后)美国文坛最著名的黑

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:53:44
英语专业写论文很惆怅 我写出了汉语版本的摘要 译成英文有些吃力 不要机器译的~艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女运动之后)美国文坛最著名的黑
xVnGYL&#@ 0Y$;nvwz< ȤH")J9%nm)wu7 snU$r{n߶ߞ+ui~UJA9)l +堵<斢J?VYU,_&wTۗ~{˧)^ZRLN2;}vf~{!c~~w`mE9 |;;~<|(5̖^F B4ț?&/#0w:_p BZh?] q7f_pPzT\%Zxw߮ %l*h6E _]O_\42ܮҽk+_/BhJ/dR~W~/̫oFe ;aQX y$V{ua&<ގ*^71S7m_m|DDN5*F3?'E07h",kS+bzz׫|귫! Q}"/@Awxv7CJ~_l A-Qo:vfz 1xBJtכ rHLBD/b*Hlp7 HO;2_=FϢއE(;:9 fN%K I%b8 H j8? w+`$)D /)X{wOopr?8y0F4J{{|8JbbR>GPdx,j;+FP!%nAKLìHēq; XFO&%u6h,CR18;z-I J RULNrPHu?I$CxWqyx@\ hoFNr4FPHA]J*wCcKT x=o&JGy0e/vl`װUCJPo$abFa7`pq8jPpωVT`vhO#6/dQps6Xl/,Ts~HD˗`hi#ZH-Mhdϋ@,GgGvB-K*ۛdgہdmt>/J[^-x|LvSg~"9FHCb1@AZR>8=Ih`m98 zgS E5yfk)HsL0{ Of\fMU2j̈%][՞TLњj.]If(9 5p(9SibRnxe2@hdeפylGs'i5esXΫw@0=sf`DZ4[sǵM\ʩr0噱AT]s1JtAH-tլ \.] 7qBcR,/! $pUp& d|)F(%4sR6ΤRi\!Dz66HF{0aw*msu`ʘゔ0|Fup+IU!]ƪ.rbgiDs s@ PҪ& Ay\myDMbeVFuI1uR3y827#j 6u-(N63p0T4u@=L/piA:{,dq0ń#7GIq[khmwZ!C3 AwFpTTB//1(Aw \)vf̌ͤLUBR(r&÷lƮq #=%oJ(g~D$Nk̠DdtK2uRx aamf1"}:| &`dBV}K3nujL婁RVNSՂ]6%Up>a)&Fa/Ǧ1_FyîumĉkQӏЖ\gѴ.:ͼzޤ9 OAdjd)ANV%~=ё’-ϳh,9)r" b`29omusj\{$$-R=TZ8riBW (y'f$H.S9STa$u+9`ul" G_cdԂ;^6!fcؠ:-@ScvL*ꘆ=|au9iTU5'X2MѸ $r,) ?th>}&a;:FyUlix"?Ԝ4lN<)}aTg$ el}=,0$e(;J u,>|/ž

英语专业写论文很惆怅 我写出了汉语版本的摘要 译成英文有些吃力 不要机器译的~艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女运动之后)美国文坛最著名的黑
英语专业写论文很惆怅 我写出了汉语版本的摘要 译成英文有些吃力 不要机器译的~
艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女运动之后)美国文坛最著名的黑人女作家之一.她在她得小说里生动的反映了黑人女性的苦难,歌颂了他们与逆境搏斗的精神和奋发自立的坚强性格.她提出了“妇女主义”(Womanism)这一独特的思想概念.而她的长篇小说《紫色》(The Color Purple)便是对这一理论的具体实践.本文是通过分析主人公的成长经历,对《紫色》中的妇女主义进行解读,全文分为五部分:

英语专业写论文很惆怅 我写出了汉语版本的摘要 译成英文有些吃力 不要机器译的~艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女运动之后)美国文坛最著名的黑
Alice Walker (Alice Walker, 1944-is the 1970 s (the European and American countries second women's movement after) the most famous of the literary one of a black woman. She is in her novels have vivid reflects of black women suffering, sing praise to them and adversity to fight and make the self-reliance spirit strong character. She made the "women's socialist" (Womanism) of this unique thought concept. And she's novel "Purple" (The Color Purple) is to The theory of practice. This paper through analyzing the protagonist is growth experience, to the purple, the women's socialist interpret it contains five parts:
The paper describes the citation of the life and the literature status and major works, simple outlined the purple "story.
The first chapter in the patriarchal society under the pressure of the serious, dasey was come from its hero's stepfather twofold repression with her husband.
The second chapter explains li dasey self-awareness process, is divided into two parts: the first part is the main line, recounted her simple by submit to humiliation, resigned to the impact of the people from surrounding self-awareness after stand and fight, and then to conflict after independence, free and equal stage. The second part of urban-rural benefit readjustment, namely the external condition of the awakening dasey li: stray singer of summer Gregory help, sister of encouraging and daughter-in-law pelletier within the influence of Sophia.
The third rules is from the purple "in the independent women's Mercedes saw socialist. This chapter for women of the first socialist background, the main content and the profound influence on the paper, and then the economic independence respectively from two angles and the independence of women's socialist analysis.
Conclusion this article specifically discuss Alice walker, the significance and the gender of women human significance that women be patriarchy of oppression, and sisters friendship can make women liberation together. In the choice of subject, the author not select "black" or "white", and shows that Alice walker for black women's Suggestions to solve the problem of dual gender and race reasonable way, although it has the idealized composition, but for the world women's liberation points out the brighter way. And the women's liberation ultimate aim is to establish equality with men the harmonious relation, realize the survival of mankind and complete. This is Alice walker, through the purple "the novel expression of women real connotation.

英语专业写论文很惆怅 我写出了汉语版本的摘要 译成英文有些吃力 不要机器译的~艾丽丝•沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女运动之后)美国文坛最著名的黑 急需一篇英文的社会实践论文 1500字左右 我的要求弄错了 我们老师主要让我们写一篇社会调查实习报告 内容是关于通过实际走访外事机构及涉外公司 调查各单位英语专业毕业生现在所从事 How does the characteristic outlook of the middle ages differ from that of the modern age?谢谢你给我的两道问题提供了汉语翻译。我是一名英语专业的学生,想找一些材料做期末论文来用。因为时间比较急,感 我的论文题目是《浅析外来词对汉语的影响》,谁能帮我写个论文提纲啊? 我是英语专业的,现在写论文,已经定下了写文学方向,关于文献翻译遇到问题了啊……求助!现在已经定下题目了,《道林格雷的画像》中主要人物关系解析——本我、自我、超我的斗争,文献翻 您好!我是外国人.我最近准备写论文,论文的主题目前还未决定.但是我想的是汉语方言.本人因为不是专门学汉语方言学什么的,所以要写汉语方言可能是比较简单的了.我的计划,首先是把汉语 新课标版本的论文 描写回家过年惆怅的诗句,现在要回家了,有种不想回家又想回家的复杂心理,有种惆怅的感觉.谁能把我复杂心情用古诗写出来,我文采不好,谢谢大家 急需一篇英文的暑期社会实践论文 1500 左右 我的要求弄错了 我们老师主要让我们写一篇社会调查实习报告 内容是关于通过实际走访外事机构及涉外公司 调查各单位英语专业毕业生现在所从 英文论文的文献综述的重复率会不会查我现在本科,英语专业,这学期要写文献综述(综述是用中文写,正文的论文用英文),想请教一下中文写的综述要不要查重复率?另外,我导师准备把我的论 我落日般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤 是谁写的 我的同事说我惆怅, 有某女写了以下内容:提笔写忧伤,落笔划惆怅.求各位大大给出一我对她有意思的下联...请署名来信... 请英语专业人士帮我修改论文.我发过去,我的分没有了,还希望能见谅.Thanks for your help. 求《孙子兵法》的白话文版本及论文 英语:请写出三个不同时态的被动语态例句,并写出每个例句的汉语意思写完句子后别忘了把汉语意思写一下, 英语:请写出三个不同时态的被动语态例句,并写出每个例句的汉语意思写完句子后别忘了把汉语意思写一下, 学英语专业是不是很累呀?我英语较好,女生,对英语有兴趣,现在读高3,想读英语专业,但听读过的人说很累,所以很矛盾该不该读英语专业,我对其他专业也不了解也不感兴趣